chapter three: school sucks start a band

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"Is it worth it can you even hear me? Staring with your spotlight on me, not enough to-"

Islammed my hand down on my phone, stopping Bert from singing anymore.

6:40am. Why does school have to start so fucking early?

I swung my legs over the side of my bed and proceeded to make baby dinosaur noises as I stretched.

I walked across my plush carpet to my closet and picked out some old jeans and a band t-shirt of some sort. I skipped the whole shower ordeal because it was waaaay too early for that shit.

I trudged, much like a zombie, down the stairs and into the kitchen. I grabbed a slightly bruised apple from the glass fruit bowl and proceeded to trudge into the living room where I grabbed my school bag that I had left on the couch the night before to be ready.

I walked out of the living room and out the front door, closing it quietly, careful not to wake up mom.

Starting my journey to school, I turned right, passing Alyssa's old house. A family with twin boys moved in last year sometime in March. I don't see them much because they go to school in the town over because their parents work in a bank there or something.

I plugged my headphones into my iPod and hit shuffle, letting my self get lost in the music that filled my ears.

One ten minute walk later and I was staring up at the ugly hell that was my high school.

"One more year Frank, just one more year" I muttered to myself as I walked through the doors.

"Talking to yourself now Iero?"

"No Jeremy, he's talking to his invisible friends because he doesn't have any real ones!"

"Haha good one Andy!".

I turned around and saw two of the biggest assholes in the world laughing pretty hard at that shitty attempt of a joke.

"How long did it take you to come up with that one Andy? The whole summer?" I asked smirking, regretting the sudden burst of confidence the second the words left my mouth.

"What did you say loser?!" Andy yelled, attempting to get in my face but Jeremy held him back before he could touch me.

"Andy he's not worth first day of school detention, lets just go" Jeremy scoffed, dragging his partner in crime off down the hall.

I sighed and walked down the hall and to the left, arriving at my locker that I've had for the past four years.

I opened the silver, sardine can sized piece of shit and put in the books I didn't need for the first few classes.

I walked down the hall towards my first class, ready for this day to be over.

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