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[Thursday, September 14th 2017]

Louis parks his motorcycle alongside the curb before swinging his leg over, stepping off. The hot sun had been practically burning his hands against the handlebars and he curses himself for not bringing gloves. Instead he shoves his hands inside the pockets of his thin jacket, balling them in fists.

It's been a week since he had seen his family. Not that he's staying away from them, but he's not going to lie and say he hasn't thought about it.

Louis scurries inside, instantly sighing at the cool temperature. The girl at the counter looks up when hearing him come in. "Hi, what can I get you?" She asks.

"Just an iced tea, please." He orders, handing her the money and getting his drink in return. He sits as far from the door, melting from the warm breeze coming in after every swing of the door. It's barely going on five in the evening and the orange lights up the sky as the sun starts to set.

"It's not a big deal."

"Then why are you making them?"

"Go away."

"No, we're spending time with you. Don't you love it?"

"I'm trying to work."

"We don't care, we just wanna see you drawings, Harry."

"Aw, who are you drawing? Your boyfriend maybe?"

"Please stop."

Louis looks up, seeing the girl at the counter confused as to what to do.

"Don't have that much hope in him, Drake. A tough guy with tattoo sleeves and piercings? He couldn't get anyone like that."

Louis purses his lips at the sound of whooshing papers and stands, turning around to the source of the voices. He frowns. He knew his one drama class in high school would come in handy.

"There you are- hey, what the fuck is going on?" He comes up behind the two kids lurking over Harry scrambling to pick up his papers. He bends down and picks up the stack in one quick motion, setting them on the table and turning to the boys.

"You wanna keep messing with my boyfriend?" He challenges, watching as their eyes grow a bit wider before they both shake their heads. "Then scram! And keep your puny mouths shut!" They run off as he speaks.

Once the two boys are gone, his attention switches towards the boy standing in front of him, holding papers to his chest awkwardly. "Are you following me around, Harry Styles?" Louis asks jokingly, and tilts his head to the side.

"I should be the one saying that to you. Boyfriend? How straight forward." Harry points out, smirking.

Louis rolls his eyes. "Oh, shut up."

Harry laughs, sweeping his curls to the side. "Um, thanks, for helping me out... again."

Louis sits across from him. "Yeah well I just live for saving damsel Harry's in distress." Harry huffs with a smile and leans back against the booth. Louis grins. "You draw?"

The small boy nods shyly. "Yeah." He mumbles. "I'm not very good, though."

"Let me see them." Louis insists. He watches Harry chew on his lip nervously as he leans forward, laying them out on the table. There's only a couple of them, about four. Three of them are only sketches and one has all of it. Shading, color, detail.

Louis starts to look at the one at the end of the table when Harry snatches it away. "Not this one."

"Why not?" Louis pouts, looking at him.

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