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[Tuesday, September 19th 2017]

"Niall, I'll be right back!" Louis shouts as he jogs out to his bike, clicking on his helmet before sitting down on it. He kicks up the stand and shoves the keys into the ignition.

Harry's school isn't that far, and while it's still warm out the wind from riding still whips at his uncovered hands. Students rush out of the building, and some give long looks at him riding by.

Harry jogs over before Louis even spots him. This time, he puts his gloves on, and hands the curly haired boy his helmet before he climbs on behind him.

[Friday, September 22nd 2017]

Louis sits talking with Aubrey, one of the girls who works in the shop alongside three others, Niall and himself. She's got her shirt ridden up to show them her newest tattoo. It goes all up her side. Louis thinks it's amazing.

He's about to touch the colored ink when the bell rings. Aubrey tugs her shirt back down hurriedly and sits behind the register.

Niall's already greeted them, but Louis peeks his head around to subtly see who it is. When he sees a curly head of hair he laughs quietly and leans his shoulder against a shelf.

Harry stands at the door, impatiently shooing his mum out and away. He turns slightly and smiles when seeing Louis. "She doesn't trust you?" he asks.

Harry purses his lips. "No, she trusts me. Just not eh- well, she doesn't really like that I'm hanging with a college kid covered in tattoos who owns a motorcycle. Thinks it's a bad influence or something." He shrugs. "But that doesn't mean that I don't like it I-I just-"

"I know, Harry, it's fine." Louis crosses his arms. "I could've taken you here right from school." He offers.

Harry scratches behind his ear. "I know, but she wanted me home to help set up a new dresser before going out anywhere, since my dad's away." His voice trails off. Louis rolls his eyes with a fond smile.

Louis really does love picking Harry up after school, seeing as he gets to be on his bike more and since his classes end before Harry's school day anyway. He commutes twenty minutes to class so it's not like he's ever stuck on campus either. He rides over when he's on break. However he technically owns the place so anytime could be his break.

The only part with Louis' side of the "deal" was that they never got around to piano. They always busied themselves too much with talking or reading the ancient collection of original comics from the store.

"So, what did you come for?" Louis asks, a smirk on his lips. "Finally gonna teach me piano?"

"Sure." Harry shrugs, making Louis' smirk fade.

"Wait. Seriously?"

❊ ❊ ❊ ❊

"That's not even funny!" Louis laughs hysterically, leaning his head on the table. "Okay, I'm good now." He sighs dramatically. Harry giggles and props his head up on his hands.

"I'm pretty funny, aren't I." He smiles. Louis rolls his eyes playfully.

"Yeah yeah, whatever you say, hot shot. Niall should be here soon so I'll be able to leave." Louis sighs. "Not that there's much to do outside of here." He shrugs.

Harry tilts his head. "Yeah, but I like it here. Better than where I used to live," he says.

Louis furrows his eyebrows. "Where did you live before?"

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