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June 4th

Two more days in Omaha, and tonight is Molly's funeral. I feel so horrible for Jack and his family. I've never seen him so upset. I don't like it. I got out of bed, yanking my phone off of the charger. I went to wake Alison up, one of her legs was hanging out of the cover. I pull her leg, making her fall into the cold floor. "Alyssa!" she yells. "I hate you so much!"

"It was time for you to get up anyway." I laugh. "It's like 12:30."

"Shouldn't you be with Jack?" she asks, throwing her cover messily back onto the bed. Honestly, I think he needs time to be alone. But at the same time, I feel like he will do something stupid. I look at my phone, seeing four missed calls from him. Shit.

"Probably." I say, crossing my arms. "I'll see you later. I have to call Jack back."

"Alright." she says. "I'm going out with Sav and her boyfriend tonight. She planned a double date.""Shocker." I murmur. Knowing Savannah, I'm not surprised that she did it. I call Jack back nervously. I feel like he's done something to himself. I swear, if he did, I don't know what I will do honestly.

"Alyssa," he cries. "Please come over."

"I will," I say. "I promise. Do you need anything?"

"I haven't ate," he says. He better not be doing what I think he is.

"When's the last time you ate?" I ask.

I hear a sigh through the phone. "Breakfast yesterday."

"Jack." I breathe. "You need to eat."

"I don't have the strength, Alyssa." he says. "I can't get her off my mind. I miss her."

"I know, babe." I say, my voice soft. "It'll be alright."

"Come over as soon as you can?" he asks. "I need someone with me."

"Are you all alone?" I ask.


"Okay, I'll be there soon." I say. "Jack, I love you so much."

"I love you, too, Princess."

I hung up and got dressed in a band t-shirt and some shorts. Going downstairs I grabbed my keys and put on my TOMS.

I got there, and nobody was in the living room or the kitchen. I walk up to Jack's room, and there he was lying on his back, his hands covering his face. I sat next to him and took one of his hands in mine. I smile. "Hi," I whisper.

"Hi," he manages to smile back. "You know, you didn't have to come if you didn't want to. I would understand. Nobody wants to see their boyfriend crying like a baby."

"Jack," I say. "Just because you cry doesn't mean you're a baby. It's okay."

"No, it's not." he says, softly, with a small chuckle. "I hate crying in front of you."


"Because I," he sighed, trying to figure out a way to say what he wanted. "I'm supposed to be strong for you."

"Jack." I say, tightening my grip on his hand. "I know you're strong. Just because you cry in front of me, doesn't mean you're not strong. You're the strongest person I have ever met."

He pulled me down to where our eyes were level. "I don't even know if I would be here right now if it weren't for you, Lyss."

"I try," I smile sympathetically. I peck his lips before pulling him up off the bed.

"We're going somewhere," I say.

"Where are we going?" he asks, wiping the single tears off of his red cheeks. His eyes were halfway swollen from crying. I can tell he hasn't slept. God, I feel so bad. All I can do is try. That's all.

There was a place that I used to hang out when I was younger with my middle school friends. It was lake out by the park that we used to go swim in on the weekends.

Life was so much easier back then.
I miss those days.

We got there and Jack sighs. "But we can't go swimming."

"And why not?" I smile. "You can wear that."

"And you're wearing that?" he asks, pointing at my outfit.

"What do you expect me to take my clothes off?" I laugh.

"Well, I don't think you'd want to ruin your All Time Low t-shirt, would you?" he asks, with a grin.

I smile and take off my shirt as he takes his off as well.

I grab his hand and ran into the water, dragging Jack behind me.

I went underwater to get my hair wet. I came back up to see a panicking Jack looking around. I decided to scare him so I jumped on his back. "BOO!" I yell, making him jump.

"You scared me half to death, baby." he laughs. "I thought you drowned, and then you jump on me."

"But I love you."

He smiles, pulling me onto his front, and kisses me passionately. "I love you more."

"No I love you more."



The rest of the day was spent in the lake, splashing each other, giving each other piggy bake rides, and other things. I think today was a good break for Jack over all of this drama. I think he was pretty happy today.

If he's happy, I'm happy.
That's all that matters.

We left at about four to go back to his house. Molly's funeral is tonight.

I am not looking forward to this.

Jack let me take a shower at his place, and Laura let me borrow a dress to wear. It was at my mid-thigh, and it was all lace, but you could only see through on the arms, which were long-sleeves. It was beautiful. I curled my hair too. Which it looks like I am going to have to start curling it more because some boy decides that he wants to play with the curls all the time.

I can't complain though. I like when he plays with my hair. It makes me feel at home. I love it.

"Babe, your hair is so beautiful." he smiles, smelling and playing with the thick strands of hair.

"Oh, hush," I blush as I finish my makeup. Jack puts the black suit jacket over his torso. God, he looks so attractive in a suit. I should start making him wear them more. But I know he won't.

We got in the car to go to the funeral home. Jack grabbed my hand and tightened his grip. I realize this is going to be a long night as I lie my head on Jack's shoulder. I felt lips on the top of my head, and I smile at this adorable, loving boy.


funeral will be in the next chapter. :)
luv u all sm :)
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