twenty seven

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I'm on my way to the beach right now. I'm finally in South Carolina after five hours. 😍

Enjoy twenty seven! (:



I woke up around 9:30 this morning. Jack was still asleep, so I just let him be. I really don't know what went on with him last night. I don't even know what I did. What did I do? I mean, all I did was hug him and talk for a few minutes. How can he get so jealous so easily?

"Mom?" I say as I walk down the stairs.

"G'morning," she says. "I've gotta go to the doctor today for an ultrasound. You wanna go?"

"What time?" I say, jumping down on the couch.

"I think 2:30."

"I don't have anything else to do, so yeah," I say, turning on the TV. I clicked on Netflix and started playing Supernatural. That was when I heard footsteps coming down the stairs. I turn to see Jack and his bed head.

"Morning," I say softly.

He turns and smiles as he walks into the kitchen and gets a bowl of grapes. "How did you sleep?" I ask.

"Fine," he says, sitting down on the opposite couch. "How 'bout you?"

"Alright, I guess."

"You guess?"

"I mean I didn't go to sleep for hours, so," I shrug my shoulders and turn down the TV a little.

"Why?" he asks.

"I don't know. Just thinking about why you got so angry with me," I tell him. He puts the bowl on the table and gets up. I sit up so he can sit down, and I lay my head back down on his lap.

"Jealousy got the best of me, baby," he says. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to be so rude."

I smile. "It's okay."

He starts playing with my hair and I turn my attention back to the TV.

It was about time to go to the doctor with mom, so I went upstairs to get ready. I put my hair in a messy bun, put my white All Time Low shirt and some shorts and vans. "Lyss, let's go! Your dad's already waiting at the hospital!" Mom yells.

"Ok!" I yell back. I go downstairs and kiss Jack before going out the door.

Once we got there, mom signed in and we waited in the waiting room for a few minutes before going back to the ultrasound room.

I'm not that excited for this to happen, but I know Mom's always wanted to have more than one kid so I know she's excited. "Alright, Mrs. Calder, let's see how your baby's doing." the nurse smiles.


I was watching TV for a little while after Alyssa left. I heard a knock at the door, and I got up to answer it. I opened the door to see someone I honestly didn't want to. "Oh, it's you." Cameron says. "Where's Lyss?"

"She's not here," I say. "And even if she was, I wouldn't let you near here."

"She doesn't deserve to be hurt again. Especially by you. She barely handled it the first time you broke up with her."

"And I feel terrible for hurting her. People make mistakes. And there's not gonna be a second break up either."

"Yeah, I don't believe you. You're gonna fuck up one way or another. Then, she'll come crawling to me. And you're gonna wish you never hurt her. Because if you hurt her again, I swear I'm gonna break your fucking neck."

"You're not gonna do shit," I snap. "And I would advise you to strop trying to tell me what to do or I will break your fucking neck. Now leave."

"I'm watching you."

I slam the door and lock it. I get out my phone and text Alyssa.

Me: babe, that douche just came over asking for you

Babygirl: who? cameron? what did he want?

Me: i'd rather not talk about it like this. when will you be home?

Babygirl: probably thirty minutes.

Me: alright. and just know I love you, and I never ever wanna hurt you again.

Babygirl: love you too 💗and I hope not.

Me: okay. <3

\\Thirty minutes later//

"Jack?" I hear my girlfriend say as she walks in the house.

I quickly get up from her bed and run downstairs. "Baby!" I yell, picking her up and spinning her around.

"Hi!" she laughs. "I was only gone for like an hour and a half; you couldn't have missed me that much!"

"Guess I just love you that much then, huh." I smile at her. "I'm so lucky."

"Aw how sweet," she says. "And I'm luckier."

"No, sweetheart," I tell her. "I will always be the luckier one because I get to be with someone like you."

"Oh stop it," she blushes. "I'm not that lovable... or am I?"

I laugh at her silliness. "You're adorable."

"And that applies to you as well, my friend."

"Don't you mean 'boy friend?" I smile.

"That's exactly what I mean." I laugh.


Jack puts me down, and Mom gathers everyone over in the living room.

"Alyssa did you hear what the doctor said we're having?" Mom asks.

"Um, no, actually I didn't."

"Right. Because you were on your phone the whole time," Dad says.

"Well, sorry I was texting someone."

"Hehe, that was probably me." Jack giggles and his cheeks turn a light shade of pink.

I giggle and turn my attention back to Mom and Dad. "Well, we are having a boy."

"Yes!" Jack yells. "Finally, I've been surrounded by girls my whole life!"

"Okay." I say. "Congratulations. I'm gonna go take a  shower."

"I'm gonna go watch Netflix," Jack follows me up to my room. Halfway up the stairs, he picks me up and throws me over his shoulder.

"What the actual fuck are you doing? You're gonna drop me!" I yell, slapping his butt.

"Don't worry, babe. I got you." he laughs. He kicks open my bedroom door and throws me over on the room. "And you got me."

He leans down and kisses me gently on the lips before starting to kiss my neck. "Jack," I whisper. "We can't."

"I just need to kiss you." he whispers. "I love kissing you."

"I have to take a shower," I giggle.

"I could join you," he smirks.

"You could," I smirk back. "Now get off me! God, what's wrong with you?"

"What the fuck?" his face going from happy to devastated.

"I'm kidding,"  I kiss the tip of his nose. "But seriously, get up."

"Ugh fine."


hey guys! if you don't mind, please go follow my new twitter. deleted my others and I decided to make another one. so please go follow it. i'll follow back and if I don't, just ask :)

the name is: yogilinskyoo

ill follow back :)

Secrets - Jack G (ON HOLD)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang