One For You (part 2)

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The next morning when Arthit woke up, he felt refreshed, he was like a new person.

He was in a great mood, he was able to get a head start on his school works, watch a movie, have dinner and, to top it all of, a good night's rest.

He hopped into the shower, and got ready for classes.

When he was all dressed up, waiting for his friends while playing on his phone, he heard a loud knocking from the door.

He grabbed his bag and opened the door, he saw his friends and went out.

"Is the world ending? How the hell are you up and ready so early?" Prem asked, looking surprised and confused at their friend's cheery mood, at 7 o'clock in the morning.

"Who are you and what have you done to Arthit? You better answer me, jackass." Bright said, pointing a finger at 'Arthit'.

Arthit just rolled his eyes and gave them a smack to the head. They all laughed and headed out.

They were early for class, not something you see everyday, and they were all joking around and teasing each other.

Meanwhile, Arthit was just watching them, his mind drifting away to, Kongpob, wondering if the guy visited the shop yesterday.

'Of course he would, he goes there to buy flowers, not for you, idiot.' he scolded himself for having that thought.

'But what if he didn't though? He must have seen I wasn't there.' the other half of his brain said.

'Why would he? Its not like he likes you, right?'

'Yeah, but I like him. So--'

Arthit suddenly stood up from the realization. Everyone around him was surprised by his sudden movement.

"Arthit, you okay?" Knott asked, worried about their friend.

"Yeah. I just need to go to the restroom." Arthit said, not looking at them and just hurrying out to the restroom.

He likes Kongpob. No, that can't be, he hardly knows the guy. But, having a small crush won't hurt, right? No, how could he like him? He was so arrogant, smug, and annoying but so handsome, gentle and--wait a minute, what is wrong with him?

Arthit splashed some cold water at his face, and looked at the mirror, having a silent one-on-one pep talk with himself.

Once he recovered, he dried his face and hands, and went back to their classroom, just in time for class.

He couldn't shake the thought, of him, possibly having a crush on Kongpob, out of his mind. His friends were asking him what's wrong but he just said he has some things on his mind and, thankfully, they didn't ask any further.

It was time for his shift at the flower shop and he wasn't sure if he was ready to face Kongpob after that sudden realization, but it was his job and he needed to attend, Kongpob or not.

"Welcome back, Oon." Namtan greeted him when he entered the shop.

"You make it sound like I was gone for a long time." he teased and placed his bag down and went to his spot.

"Well, how was your day off? Did you rest, like I told you to?" the girl asked, trimming some leaves from the plants.

"Yeah, it was refreshing, finally had time to relax and got some peaceful sleep. Thanks for that." he answered, wiping the counter table.

"You deserve it, and if you ever need one again, don't hesitate to tell me, just not on a busy day please." Namtan teased, tossing him his apron.

"Will do. So, were there a lot of customers yesterday?" he asked, putting on the apron.

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