Phaunus/Mother Nature

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A/n: The name normally varies on the OC's pronouns but either name works for anyone. Mother Nature is a more feminine name for the quirk and Phaunus (the Greek god of forests) is an alternative name.

Type: Emitter

Description: The user is able to command plants and animals around them as well as utilize plant-like features of their body.

Drawbacks: They need to constantly water themselves to keep the vines and flowers that are part of their body alive. If the vines or flowers begin to wilt or die, it is an extremely painful process and an even more painful process to remove them and wait for them to regrow. The small antlers on their head shed their velvet occasionally the same way a deer's antlers do. This process doesn't hurt but it definitely inconvenient due to the bloody mess  it makes

Subfeatures: Their body has several thorny vines and flowers growing from it that can be utilized with their quirk. The vines can be grown out at will and be wrapped around enemies while the flowers produce poisonous spores that can be used to paralyze enemies. The quirk user is immune to said spores, however, they tend to make them sneeze a bit when released into the air.

Public Use: Yes

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