Ch. 9: Realm Smasher

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(4 years, 10 months into the Ban)

A week after their dinner and movie date, Troi leaves the hotel with a promise that he'll return to his Cascadian love as soon as he's able.

Much to Avie's dismay, he's true to his word, showing up six weeks later with his arm in a sling.

"I messed it up pretty bad," he tells her.  "But that means I got to take more time off and come back here.  So I guess what they say about luck found in shitty situations is true after all."  He wraps his good arm around Avie's shoulders and brings her close.  "I totally missed you."

Avie wonders if he has any clue what it's like to pine—truly pine—for someone you can't be with.  She knows he has parents and a younger brother back in Texas, but according to Troi, they were never very close.  He accused them of being sympathetic to realm workers, a stance he could never abide by.  Naturally, he was glad to leave them as soon as he could. 

She doubts he missed her as much as he claims.  He doesn't even know her—not the real her anyways.  He knows the quiet, law-abiding, hardworking Cascadian girl, not the traitorous, realm working, grief-stricken woman.

"I missed you too." She plants a soft kiss on the bridge of his nose.

Either he's aware of her connection with the infamous terrorist Oliver Teide and is an incredibly skilled actor, or he's blatantly ignorant.  The more she gets to know him, the more she's betting on ignorance.  Not that she lets her guard down; Ignorant or not, Troi is dangerous.  She has no doubt he'd turn on her if he thought anything she did was questionable. 

Her relationship with Troi is precarious, but breaking it off is out of the question.  There are benefits: their intimacy means she has access to his personal affects. 

For someone involved in security, Troi is definitely no tech wiz; he keeps his phone password protected with his date of birth.  After sharing several bottles of wine (in which Avie enjoys three glasses and Troi downs the rest), he promises her a raucous night in bed but falls asleep almost immediately.

Avie spends the next hour perusing his texts and email—an elucidating time.

Her first discovery is that Troi appears to have another girlfriend, or possibly a fiancé, named Gillian.  From the tone of Gillian's texts, it's apparent she doesn't trust Troi while he's away from home.  Go figure.  Avie scans her mind for any hint of disappointment that Troi is two-timing her, but other than feeling a bit sorry for Gillian, she finds she simply doesn't care.  She's not in this for love.  In her mind, she is a spy and Troi is her target.  If she can keep her cover long enough, the Ban will eventually be lifted and she can get the hell out of here and back to Clara.  Anything she can find out about Troi that will help her keep the authorities at bay will be worth the risk.

As tempting as it is to read through all of the texts between Troi and Gillian, Avie resists.  She scans his emails until she finds one from a sender with the supervillain name Dark Storm.  She clicks on the most recent email from this Dark Storm, dated just two days ago.  To both her horror and amusement, the email addresses Troi using a portentously ridiculous code name.

Realm Smasher:

Please be advised.  The Commission expects a full report from you in less than two weeks.  You know by now that I disapprove of your stance.  However, the Commission seems willing to believe what you have to say. The content of your report will determine if further action is needed, but if your insubordination continues, I might just show up, whether the Commission likes it or not.

Dark Storm

Btw, call Gilly, damn it.  Are you going to marry her or what?

Avie lowers the phone and stares at Troi as he sleeps.  She doesn't know what to make of Dark Storm's email, but a few things stand out.  First of all, the Commission is what the Militia call their make-shift ruling body.  Avie wraps a blanket around herself but still she shivers. 

Troi is Militia.

She should have guessed he was working with them and not with the more official Government body of authorities.  As an immigrant, it would be difficult for him to gain acceptance into an officer's academy, but the Militia's requirements are far less stringent.  In fact they often recruit from the ranks of desperately poor immigrant populations, offering them income and a modicum of credibility within Cascadian society.

Secondly, Troi's time spent here must be some sort of mission.  She has no idea whether it involves her or not, but the rational thing to do is to assume that it does, which means tossing out her Troi-is-ignorant idea.

And lastly, whatever he's supposed to determine, the Commission will be reviewing it soon.  What does this mean for her?  Will this Dark Storm be showing up on her doorstep?  Will he bring this Gillian woman with him?

Avie places Troi's phone back on the side table, right where Troi had had it and plugs it in to charge. Shutting off the light, she climbs into bed next to her Militia boyfriend.  In his sleep, he turns towards her, placing his injured arm (not seeming so injured at the moment) over her stomach, pulling her towards him. 

She can't tell if this gesture is meant to make her feel safe or trapped.

A/N: Troi is Militia... YIKES!  I'm sure this reveal has all of your hearts going pitter-patter for him. No?  Well then, why do you think he really came back to the hotel?  What does he wants from Avie? 

Thanks so much for your continued reads, votes, and comments. I love them all, and I love you!

The dedicatee for today's chapter is @robshapiro.  A fun adventure awaits you on Rob's profile page.  THE BOOK OF SAM in a nutshell: boy meets girl, boy loves girl (but doesn't tell her), girl accidentally winds up in hell thanks to boy, boy follows her there.  And let's just say Hell is not exactly what you'd expect it to be.  I'm really enjoying this story and I think you will too!

Media is courtesy of Josh Mathews, Flickr Creative Commons.

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