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"TRY NOT TO KILL ANYONE." Hotch encourages, handing Everest her own personal gun. She passed both certifications with flying colors, marking the beginning of their partnership.

"No promises." Everest replies, deciding where to holster the lethal weapon. The gun felt unfamiliar, an added weight she now had to deal with.

As the two of them rounded the corner, Hotch stops in front of another office. "This is where our tech analyst Penelope Garcia spends most of her time."

Penelope's eyes widen at the sight of Everest, nervous to be in her presence. After doing a routine background check, Penelope knew all about what she was capable of—so many news stations and websites covered her trial, often labeling her as the most dangerous bounty hunter of the decade.

"Penelope, this is Violet Everest." Hotch introduces the two. As Everest extends her hand out for Penelope to shake, Penelope looks unsure.

"H-hello." Penelope smiles nervously, apprehensively shaking her hand.

"Pleasure to meet you." Everest smiles, finding Penelope intriguing. Her desk was filled with an assortment of figurines and all sorts of cutesy-things, a sharp contrast to the professional environment of the BAU. "You like collecting figurines?"

"Yeah," Penelope nods, glancing back at her desk, "if I find something cute, I keep it."

Hotch cuts the introduction short. "Garcia can you gather the rest of the team and prepare for a briefing while I show Everest around?"

"I'm on it." She nods, letting Hotch and Everest continue on with their tour.

"You'll usually find the rest of the team in the bullpen." Hotch explains as the two of them walk on the balcony. There were many agents bustling through, all carrying stacks of papers in their hands as they went about their day. Everest recognized JJ and Emily, laughing together as they worked on files.

"Which brings us to my office." He says, pushing open the door leading to room overseeing the bullpen. Files were organized, stacked in neat piles while books lined the shelves. There was barely any pictures—rather, all his achievements and certificates lined the walls.

"I think I prefer Penelope's den more." Everest says, scrutinizing how perfectly perfect his office was. Not a single item was out of place, not a speck of dirt to be seen. It looked straight out of a furniture catalogue, lacking any personality whatsoever.

"Well, get used to it." Hotch frowns at her remark, slightly offended to hear her thoughts on his office. "Until we find the Kingpin, this is where you'll be spending most of your time."

Everest turns around almost instantaneously at his words. "I thought I'd be situated in the bullpen—you know, with the other consultants."

"The other consultants weren't convicted of murder, Everest." Hotch answers nonchalantly, straightening a pile of files that were crooked. "Whether you like it or not, you're stuck with me."

 𝐁𝐀𝐃 𝐑𝐄𝐏𝐔𝐓𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍, aaron hotchnerWhere stories live. Discover now