Chapter 2

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After breakfast, I headed down to my first class which just so happened to be Potions with Slytherin. When I walk into the class I see that everyone is partnered up even ones who typically worked by themselves but there was only one person who did not have a partner this time and it was...


Draco for once is the only one that does not have a partner probably was too grumpy and scared everyone off. Anyway, I go and sit beside him in which he does not even look up at me not even once. 

"hey are you okay," I say and gently nudge his shoulder, " I saw you this morning at breakfast you did not look like your self is there something going on"

"not now" Draco snaps, "let's just get through the class and I'll tell you tonight," he says quickly then bends over to pull out the supplies for this class from his bag. 

well, at least he is not going to shut me out this time unlike most of the time. When we were kids his cat died and he completely shut out everyone including me. It was a really tough week to go without talking to your best friend. 

"Today we will begin by learning how to brew a strengthening solution" Snape states to start off the class with. "this potion will be very important in the O.W.L exams next June but also very important for the essay that will be assigned next week on the properties of the Strengthing solution" the entire class filled with groans.

"Quiet, now get out your textbooks the potion is on page 427 and the ingredients are at the front of the class you will have one hour to create your mixtures then we will spend the last thirty minutes checking them and finishing them, next class."

well, this should be fun. I reach down to get my textbook out of my bag but of course just my luck it is not there great just great. I guess ill just have to use Draco's book.

"psst hey, Draco can I borrow your book I forgot mine in the dorms" I nudge Draco's shoulder as he is trying to find the page of ingredients.

"you idiot you are supposed to be a Ravenclaw right? well, Ravenclaws do not just forget their textbooks" Draco states while rolling his eyes and laughing.

"Okay yes, but you did not answer my question can I borrow your textbook" I replied laughing.

"fine if you must" he moves the textbook in between us so that we can both see the page of ingredients.

"Alright we need salamander blood and Griffin claw" gross salamander blood I once touched it on accident and it was so sticky but it does contain a lot of healing properties when used right and I assume that the claw is used to be as strong as a Griffin.

"I can go get the ingredients for the both of us if you are willing to get everything else set up here," I offer so that hopefully it will make up for me not bringing my own book to class and having to share even though I know that he secretly likes it.

when I get up to the ingredients table there it a lot of unnecessary ingredients that are not required for this potion such as frogs' blood and unicorn hair. I guess Snape was just trying to see if we actually read the textbook to get the ingredients. Furthermore, I quickly grab the required amount for both mine and Draco's potion and head back to the table.

"here we go salamanders' blood and griffins claws" I state very proud of myself even though it was a simple task"

"thank you," Draco says reluctantly, "I guess we can now start mixing the potion"


It is 30 minutes before the end of class and Snape is going around to each of the potions making sure that they are ready to begin maturing.

During these short 30 minutes which unfortunately feel like forever, I slightly nudge Draco's shoulder as I used to do when we were kids and I tried to gain his attention. In doing this he acknowledges me by giving me a side-eye.

"Hmm," Draco groans.

"Hey, what are you doing after class do not say that you are hanging out with those losers" I lean over to whisper losers as I point to Crabbe and Goyle. This makes Draco smirk though, at least he isn't completely insane yet by understanding that those two really are the losers.

"maybe maybe not what's it in for you Untold" that was the nickname that he gave me when we were both children, he was bold and I was untold, yeah I know we gave each other adjectives for nicknames but it worked and fit each of our personalities and still does till this day.

"oh, gods why that nickname I have not heard that in forever, but anyway do you want to either make a leaky cauldron run or just hang out in the Ravenclaw common room because it is so much nicer than the Slytherin one since you know it is not in the freaking dungeons." I offer to Draco.

"Both are bad options and do not bash the Slytherin common room it is badly placed in the castle but you have to admit that it is cool." 

"that's not cool it's more of just wet and damp and I didn't even know that Hogwarts had dungeons until coming here and at that they are unused 

"That is true so I guess we can go to the Ravenclaw common room, most of the Ravenclaw students stay within the library anyway.

"Alright Bold, that sounds like a plan."

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