Chapter 1

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"oh bloody hell what do you want," says Draco annoyingly as I continually throw paper at his back trying to get his attention.

"You" paper "promised," paper "to let" paper "me help" paper "you with this nightmare of the paper" paper. We were both sitting in the Slytherin common room doing our Defense Against The Dark Arts essay because Umbridge is bloody insane and Draco earlier in the day asked for help and when I agreed and got here he had already started on it himself.

"no okay you know what I do not need your help so you can just go back to your common room and leave me alone," He says coldly not even bothering to look at me.

"What is wrong with you, you seemed fine in class today but once I got here your attitude changed," it true he really did have a big mood swing out of know where." 

"well I don't know but maybe it is because I talking Potter and Granger at Dinner" He stated looking jealous.

" I have other friends besides Slytherins and I know you do not like them but that does not excuse you to be mad at me just because they are also my friends and also happen to go to Hogwarts," I state really starting to get annoyed with his attitude.

"I... Hmph," Draco packs his stuff up and storms off into the boys' dormitory.

ugh, I hope he gets over his problems by tomorrow because we have potions and I don't want to work with a pansy. I know my parents are friends with hers but I really just cannot stand her. Oh well, I guess ill just have to finish this essay by myself it should not be that bad it is only four pages.


Dang, that was a long night and that essay took was longer than expected.

As I head down to breakfast I see Draco still looking grumpy and giving me the side-eye so I decide to go over there and say hi when Hermione stops me.

"Hey, Cassie did you hear about what Umbridge is doing," Hermione says in just a whisper.

"oh god what now I don't think I can take much more," she has already put up new rules and we are not allowed to actually do magic in the defense against the dark arts class!

"apparently she is trying to get rid of Dumbledore so that she can completely take over the school" she whispers looking scared.

"wait what there is no way she cannot do that," I say in disbelief there is no way that they can just up and get rid of the headmaster of Hogwarts.

"apparently so trust me when I first heard the news I did not believe it either" she states in agreement.

I look over to where the professors are sitting and I see snape death glaring at us.

"hey we can talk about this later I am going to head over to the Ravenclaw table now before snape kills us" I answered quickly then made my way over to the Ravenclaw table and sat beside Luna.

"I wish they served pudding for breakfast" stated luna as she stares at the food on the table.

I just roll my eyes and laugh as Dumbledore comes up to the podium to make an announcement.

"good morning students i hope you all had a good nights rest and ready to begin the day, I unfortunately have bad news that the hogsmeade trip that was supposed to be this upcoming Wednesday got moved to next Wednesday due to the weather," the entire dining hall gave a disappointed sigh and even a couple of quiet boos and groans.

Dumbledore said something else but I was too busy dealing with my disappointment to understand. I turn around to the Gryffindor table to see Hermione, Ron and harry talking about sneaking out of the castle to go to Honeydukes. 

My eye though catches Draco in the background with his head down poking at his food. I hope that he is okay I know he has a lot on his plate right now pun not intended but he can always talk to me about anything. When Draco and I was kids we used to sneak away from his parents when my family was over at the Malfoy manor and hide in the tree house that was outside. The tree house was nothing like Malfoy Manor it was very warm and inviting. The outside was made with a dark almost black looking wood, with dark green curtains on the window. On the inside though there was beanbag chairs, a couple of bookshelves and a fireplace. We would spend hours in there talking about drama that our parents spoke about or about books that we had recently read since being homeschooled that is all you can do is read. I want to go back to that tree house someday and maybe Draco will decide to come with me.


After breakfast I headed down to my first class which just so happened to be Potions with Slytherin. When I walk into the class I see that everyone is partnered up even ones who typically worked by themselves but there was only one person who did not have a partner this time and it was...

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