Chapter 3

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"Alright Bold, that sounds like a plan."

Leaving the classroom we run into hermione and ron talking and smiling about who knows what but once hermione sees me she smiles and waves but once she sees who I am with she begins to frown and turns away from us. My gods I wish that all three of them would just learn to accept that I will always be friends with draco along with attempting to be friends with them.

I try to brush it off as we continue to head on up to the ravenclaw common area as draco noticed that that bothered me.

"I honestly don't understand why you hang out with that mudblood and weasley." draco scoffs in his own way trying to make me feel better.

"they were kind to me and I don't understand why you cannot just get along with them so that we can all be friends." I proclaim with no hopes of that actually becoming true.

"you understand as well as I do that I cannot be friends with them not that I do not want to but more of I just cannot be friends with them, you have met my father" unfortunately I have and unfortunately he only likes me because of my family, the only family other than slytherin that he likes.

"I do understand it just bloody sucks and I hope that one day all of this can change and our families would stop hating othering that show kindness," I sigh understanding that my destiny is determined by my family, power and status.

"Well anyway, we are almost there I can see the astronomy tower from here so I guess it almost my stop then you have to make it all the way to the scary dungeons to deal with the idiots Crabbe and Goyle, I honestly do not understand how you put up with them. It I were you they would probably be thrown off the astronomy tower or fed to the trolls" I say trying to lighten the mood.

"Yeah okay they are stupid but they are the only ones that do what I say without question so furthermore it is worth it" he does make a fair point it would be nice to have a possy that follows your everymore and are obedient to your everyword.

"welp this is my stop" I pause as I see the disappointment on his face as we get to the entrance of the ravenclaw common room, "would you like to come in and talk some more" I see his face start to light up even though it attempts to brush it off trying to be super cool.

"yeah I guess that would be fine" sure realllll cool Mr. Draco Coolfoy.

"great so you can tell me what was bothering you earlier today in class" he probably still will not tell me the whole truth but you know what it is worth a shot so here we go. As I make that statement however Draco glares at me but in a playful way or how visually Draco can get which isn't a lot but it counts.

"if I have to I guess that I can do that." Draco looks around at our surroundings trying to find anyone at all that can either get him out of this distraction or who else might see or hear what he is about to do. 

we head on up to the door that leads to the ravenclaw common room. the door has a massive bronze statue of a raven that before one enters the ravenclaw common room they must give a password. due to it being ravenclaw most of the passwords have something to fo with the books located within the common room. After I give the raven we head on into the astronomy tower. 

He always seems so fascinated whenever we walk into the ravenclaw common room. that partially may be because we actually can see outside and no just into the black lake though that is pretty cool also. Anyways within the Ravenclaw common room there is a balcony that that overlooks the mountains and the black lake. it also contains telescopes so that we can watch the stars and planets anytime we want. 

"you know sometimes I do wish that I would have been in Ravenclaw with you instead of in Slytherin like my parents wanted" he passes by me looking at all of the books on the shelves and heading straight for the balcony which seems to be the only place where there truly was not another student roaming around.

I follow him on out to the balcony.

"it truly is amazing up here" yeah yeah stop trying to avoid the problem.

"so are you finally going to tell me what is wrong with you and why you have been taking an extra dose of jerk" I know that is kind of harsh but he needs to know that he cannot be mean to me and my friends and get away with it like he always has.

"okay fine I will cave and tell you though you may hate me for this and this could change everything about us." He says anxiously which makes me nervous, you cannot expect to tell me something like that and not expect me to be nervous. 

Draco begins to lift the sleeve of his shirt.....

there is no way, he can not have become

"wait, no, you can not be you promised.....

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 22, 2023 ⏰

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