Chapter 1

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Hotaru's POV
I was on my way to class 1A on my first day of UA. People gave me weird looks because of my wings only being bones covered in skin and feathers. That's because my quirk comes from the wing bone AS feathers. Not actual feathers. Let me explain. My quirk is almost Phoenix-like. For those who don't know me, my name is Hotaru Takami. I have two dads. One is an ex-villain in hiding and the other is an ex pro-hero but still does hero work. Their names are Touya Todoroki and Keigo Takami, aka Dabi and Hawks. Does that answer your confusion? My quirk is called Cremation Wings because Keigo's is fierce wings and Dabi's is Cremation. Hence, Phoenix-like quirk. They've combined. I finally reached the door to 1A. 'Why is it so big? Are there fucking dinosaurs in there or something?' I thought to myself as I looked at the big door of the classroom. I opened it and walked in only to see absolute chaos of other students yelling at eachother and already picking fights. I closed the door and just walked over to a random desk and sat down, not giving a damn. This went on for a few a minutes until the door opened and the teacher came in. Everyone froze in their tracks as they watched a blonde male with a black lightning squiggle on his fringe walk into the classroom and go to his desk.
???: well then.. didn't take you long to shut up but it seems to be taking you all a while to sit at a desk
As soon as he finished that sentence, everyone scrambled over to a desk to sit on. The teacher chuckled as he placed something on his desk then sat down
???: sounds like introductions are in order then. My name is Denki Kaminari. In your case it'll be Mr.Kaminari or Kami-Sensei. You might know me as Pro Hero Chargebolt. I'll be your teacher from here on
Ah so that's why he seemed familiar. He was a student of Eraserhead. His hero suit has changed since last time I saw it on TV
Kaminari: now. How about each one of you comes up to the front, or stay sat down, up to you, and tell us your name and your quirk
Two students, one male and one female, that were sat next to eachother stood up. They looked exactly the same except for the hair being opposite. Twins. The female had green hair and red eyes and the male had ash blonde hair and green eyes.
???: I'm Izumi Midoriya
The female said
???: and I'm Hato Midoriya
The male said. Kami-Sensei nodded his head
Kaminari: thought I recognised you two. What are your quirks?
They both looked at eachother and frowned slightly
Izumi: we both make things explode once we touch it...
That sounds awesome. Why do they look-.... oh.. they've been bullied for it haven't they..?
Kaminari: judging by the looks on your eyes, I want you both to come tell me if anyone starts bullying you for your quirk being villainous. Okay?
They smiled warmly then nodded and sat down. Another student stood up. He had black hair and grey-ish eyes. He also had shark-like teeth.
???: hey! My name is Michael Kirishima and my quirk is called Hardened Copy. Basically, I can copy other quirks but only whilst my hardening quirk is activated.
Kami-Sensei smiled once again
Kaminari: man, your father is the bestest friend I ever had. Let him know we need to catch up at some point
Michael smiled warmly
Michael: sure thing, Kami-Sensei!
A female with dual coloured hair, right side red and left side blue stood up. She had one dark blue eye and one brownish-red eye
???: my name is Isota Iida. My quirk is Elemental Engine. It's a mix of the half fire half ice quirk and the engine quirk. Depending on which element I used recently, I leave a trail of either fire or ice when I use the engines
Kami-Sensei nodded
Kaminari: wow. Sounds like their quirks mixed together well
She smiled and sat back down. Is she.. my cousin? Her hair reminds me of Pops' younger brother, Shoto... another female stood up. She had purple hair with a yellow lightning mark on her fringe. Her eyes were a dirty yellow with white pupils.
???: I-I'm Sarah Kaminari! I don't have a name for my quirk yet but.. I can brainwash people after I zap them whilst looking into their eyes. I need to get close to them though cause I need my hand on them for the zap to work
Kaminari: sounds great! At least you don't need to ask them a question to get the brainwash to work
Sarah chuckled
Sarah: yeah.. that's true.
She must be his daughter. They certainly look alike. A young male with fur on his shoulders and brown, white and black wings stood up. He had black hair,
with black wolf ears on top, that came down to just below his jawline when down. It was currently up in a small bun, showing off his undercut. He had circular elbows, like tape dispensers. He had one silver eye and one red eye.
???: my name is Karma Sero. My quirk is Half Hybrid and Half Tape. Pretty sure the name and the look speaks for itself
He said with a chuckle. Some of the class had laughed with him, Sensei included. Karma sat back down as another girl stood up
???: I'm Taylor Yamada. My quirk is Erasure Voice. Basically, I erase quirks with my voice
Me: looks like we're gonna have to break out the earplugs so that we can keep our quirks whilst you erase the ones your targeting
Everyone, including her, had laughed at my joke. I smiled knowing that I was able to make them laugh. After they calmed down, she sat down and I stood up. Unfortunately, I have to use a different last name. Dad may be helping the heroes now but some of them still want to take him in for his past crimes despite how many heroes are agreeing to let them help. I can't trust anyone knowing who my parents are
Me: the name is Hotaru Karo. My quirk is Cremation Wings. Basically... I don't how to explain it.. may I show?
Kami-Sensei nodded
Kaminari: go right ahead, kid
I nodded and stood up then went to the front. I stood a bit away from everyone to not cause any injuries. I spread my wing bones out, which caused a lot of confused faces, until they started to smoke slightly whilst igniting into a small blue flame at the start. Everyone stared in awe as my wing bones began to hold a blue flame that were in the shapes of feathers on wings. Like a Phoenix. Kami-Sensei had wide eyes with his mouth agape in shock. It soon closed as he began to speak
Kaminari: that.. is the most beautiful quirk.. I have ever seen
The entire class, except me, nodded their head in agreement. I looked away with a small smile, embarrassed.
Me: th-thank you..
I deactivated my quirk then sat back down. Maybe this school won't be so bad after all..

So let me tell you about the kids. Izumi and Hato are the son and daughter of Izuku and Katsuki Midoriya. Micheal is the son of Eijirou and Neito Kirishima. I know a lot of people don't like Monoma and that this ship is extremely rare. But it came to my head and for me, it worked. So I kind fell in love with the ship. Isota is the daughter of Tenya and Shoto Iida. Sarah is the daughter of Hitoshi and Denki Shinsou. Eri is the adopted daughter of Hizashi (Present Mic) and Shota Yamada. Karma is the son of Hanta and Declan Sero (a random OC I came up with a while ago). Taylor is the biological daughter of Hizashi and Shota. And, as you already know, Hotaru is the daughter of Touya Todoroki and Keigo Takami. They aren't married yet because the heroes are helping Dabi hide so they've never been given the chance. Anyhoo, hope you like it!

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