Chapter 5

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Hotaru's POV
Weak... I felt weak.. I tried to stand up but my legs gave away and I fell back down... I thought we were done for... Isota managed to stand back up and got ready to keep fighting this worldwide villainous threat that is nearing its victory to end us all... until we heard it through our ear pieces.. the voices of the adults we thought we had lost..
?: this is pro hero Copycat, I am in pursuit of the enemy
Neito Kirishima...?
Michael: dad?!
?: ex pro hero Hawks, I am in pursuit of the enemy
?: secret hero Dabi, I am in pursuit of the enemy
?: secret hero Shimura, I am in pursuit of the enemy
Yuki: dad!
They're alive.... They're alive...!
?: secret hero Vampa, I am in pursuit of the enemy
?: Pro Hero Deku, I am in pursuit of the enemy
Hato & Izumi: papa!!
?: Pro Hero Dynamight, I am in pursuit of the enemy
Hato & Izumi: dad!!
We can win. I know it

I jolted awake in a cold sweat, confused as to what the purpose of that dream was.. why was I dreaming I was in a final battle of sorts..?
I looked at my desk to check the time to see it was 5:03 am. My alarm would've gone off in 57 minutes but I knew I wouldn't be able to go back to sleep. So I grabbed my phone and switched the alarm off before getting out of bed and deciding to get ready early. I grabbed a couple towels and slowly and quietly walked into the bathroom to avoid waking my dads up. Once I got there I shut the door quietly then turned on the shower. After I had a shower I dried off, washed my face then brushed my teeth and put my uniform on. I checked the time to see it was now 5:47am. Because it was still quite early I decided not to rush to make my breakfast. Since it was still too early for my dads to be up I quietly went downstairs and into the kitchen. I grabbed the cereal box from the cupboard but then nearly dropped it with a gasp as my wings suddenly ignited from me almost screaming at the top of my lungs at the figure at the kitchen table
Me: shit, dad! You scared me..
The burnt male at the table with wet, now white, hair looked at me and chuckled
Dad: sorry, hon.. but please deactivate your quirk before you burn the house down
I quickly did so before I even moved an inch to avoid burning something. I grabbed a bowl from an upper cupboard then poured some cereal in before placing the box back in the big ladre.
Dad: I'm guessing you couldn't sleep either?
I shook my head to say no
Me: you had a weird dream too?
He nodded
Dad: yup.. what was yours about?
I poured the milk as I spoke
Me: the UA kids were the only ones left in some kind of final battle against a giant villain... everyone had disappeared.. but then you guys started coming back..? You were on the comms saying your hero names and that you were in pursuit of the enemy...
He squinted his eyebrows in confusion
Dad: weird..
I hummed in agreement
Me: my thoughts exactly..
I grabbed a spoon and started to eat my breakfast. Not long afterwards I heard the floorboards from above creaking. As I was eating my dad came down the stairs and into the kitchen
Pops: you two are up quite early..
He said in surprise
Me: we both had a weird dream
He hummed then looked at dad and noticed his hair
Pops: you washed the dye off?!
He was even more surprised now. I choked on my food in laughter and quickly put the bowl down on the counter so I didn't drop it whilst trying to regain my oxygen
Dad: seriously? Keigo? I-
He was now wheezing like a tea kettle with me. We are just a family of

Timeskip to first class

I was sitting at my desk, drawing, whilst Yuki was talking to Taylor Yamada and Michael Kirishima. I also had my earphones in. Whilst I was drawing and slightly bopping my head to music I didn't notice the purple haired Angel standing next to me. It wasn't until she tapped my shoulder and I looked up that my breath nearly caught in my throat... god I need help..
Sarah: hey, Hotaru! I was wondering if you wanted to hang out later today?
My prayers! Have! Been! ANSWERED!!
Me: sure! I don't have much to do today
She smiled warmly
Sarah: great!
She went back to her seat as I looked back down at my sketch pad and internally screamed in joy with a visible wide smile on my face. I looked up as I felt a pair of eyes on me and saw Yuki looking at me with a knowing smirk. I blushed out of embarrasment as I avoided her eye contact. I heard her laugh from that.. soon, Kami-Sensei had walked into the room. So I put my art supplies away and got out my writing supplies.
Kaminari: alright. As I'm sure some of you are aware, Hato and Izumi Midoriya are not here.
Yeah I did notice.. hope they're okay
Kaminari: something came up with their family so they will not be attending classes today. If you would like to send them your best wishes if you have their number then do so now. Once done, let me know so I can begin the lesson.
Almost everyone got their phones out to message the Midoriya twins. Me wanting be a good person I decided to do so aswell

Hey you two! Heard you won't be attending our classes today so I wanted to send you my best wishes. Hope everything is okay with your family! Let me know if you need anything x

After I hit send I put my phone back in my blazer pocket. I noticed everyone was done way before me
Kaminari: looks like you had a bigger paragraph than everyone here, Karo.
I blushed yet again out of embarrasment as I focused on being ready for the lesson. As Kaminari began the lesson I felt a wave of anxiety hit me.. there was no reason to be anxious... unless it just my sixth sense telling me something was wrong or something was going to happen.. it wasn't until I heard Kaminari's phone vibrate that my anxiety suddenly increased.
Kaminari: hold on a second
He grabbed his phone and looked at what he was sent. I felt myself grow curious as I noticed Sensei's eyes widen and his face go pale. He soon looked to me with a look of sympathy..
No... no no no no no do NOT let it be true!
Everyone must've noticed he was looking at me because they soon turned their heads to me aswell. As if thinking just worst fear came true I quickly stood up, leaving my stuff, and zoomed out of the classroom and out the school.
Don't be true.. holy All Might please don't be true...!

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 20, 2021 ⏰

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