Road To The 2nd Arc:Raymond And Kenta

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Kenta and Yuu training.

Kenta:Yuu, you shouldn't attack me when I'm stop,alright.

Kota who see that say to Yuu.

Kota:Hey, Yuu don't give up. Give it all you've got.

Kenta:I like your two relationship. Best friend for life I see.

Yuu:I can't say anything.

Kenta:Just like me and Raymond...

Yuu always see Kenta say Raymond name and asking Kenta.

Yuu:Who is Raymond I always see you say his name?

Kenta:He's my old friend,and Aki brother.

Yuu:Aki brother! Where is him now?

Kenta:He died 3 years ago.

Yuu:Sorry. I don't know.

Kenta:It's okay.

Yuu:Can you tell me the story about him.

Kenta:Alright then if that can make you have passion to defeat me.

Kenta tell Yuu all the story.

Kenta past 2068

Lindow:Kenta, we need to talk.

Kenta:What, don't you see that I want to repair my god arc. Later.

Lindow:Sorry I don't have any choice.

Kenta:What are you talking about?

Lindow pull Kenta shirt and take Kenta with him.

Kenta:Let me go, old man.

Lindow:Don't you forget I have seniority.

Kenta:Doesn't you that say you hate seniority?

Lindow:I guess you're not wrong.

Lindow and Kenta arrive at meeting room.

(That time Tsubaki is the leader of the 1st unit.)

Tsubaki:Good evening you two.

Kenta:Good evening captain.

Tsubaki:Hehe.Are you okay? Did Lindow take you here by force.

Lindow close Kenta mouth before he say any word.

Tsubaki:Just to tell you guys 2 announcement. First I'm going to retire as the captain and the member of the 1st unit.

Kenta shock.

Kenta:Really! Why?

Tsubaki:I'm being appointed as the new instructor. So from now on I will be strict but just on the mission.

Kenta:Alright then...

Lindow:Big sis you win.

Tsubaki:I will be appointed Lindow as the new leader and Sakuya as the vice leader.

Kenta make fun of Lindow.

Kenta:Captain Lindow,it's been an honor to serve on you.

Lindow:Get back here you little joke.

Sakuya:Is it fine to leave them?

Tsubaki:They are close Sakuya really close. Oh, I forgot to tell them about rookie who's gonna join them.

Lindow finally catch Kenta.

Lindow:Get you lil bro...

Kenta:Damn it.

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