Aragami Transformation

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Meanwhile at 2nd and 3rd unit side Tatsumi and his team fighting kongou at plain wall. Tatsumi swinging his god arc to that Kongo. Suddenly they see one Aragami punch that kongou.

Tatsumi:What the hell is that thing?

Karel:This is bad... We need to fall back out of here right now!

Tatsumi:It's only one, split off and retreat. Go! Don't look back!

That aragami attack tatsumi but luckily tatsumi using his shield immediately.

Tatsumi:This... This will definitely not end well.

Yuu:No... No!

Yuu just appear out of nowhere and using his shield to block that Aragami attack. As he block that attack he see Lindow vision.

A few days ago

Lindow:Ngh! What am... My god arc where's.... Where's my god arc? Aegis... Aegis that's where I am... Where is aegis?Am I dead? No... M-Maybe... Sleep and agony and need...

A few minutes ago, Lindow vision.

Lindow:Aragami! Wicked beast! Don't you dare touch my comrades!The hell they are just standing there. Dammit! Not enough! Not enough! Bastards, Cowards, Monster! Die, Diee, Dieee!
Where are they, Did they get away this time?Huh, Ruun! Damn you please run!

Lindow can't control himself and attack everyone in front of him.

Lindow:Get the hell out of here! Just flee!

Suddenly he see Yuu coming to him.

Lindow:Rook, is that you? You can't no. Stop it! Please, stooooop!

Back to the present. Lindow leave after Yuu block his attack.

Shun:You chased it off. That was amazing! I...

Karel:Holy crap... What the hell happened?

Tatsumi:Hehe, you saved our lives thanks Yuu. Anyway, what was that? It can't have been normal. I mean...
Hey, Yuu are you okay?

Yuu remember what Ren said to him before....


Ren:Tell me what would happen. You track Lindow down to wherever he is... Tell me what would happen of you saw an Aragami there instead. If you saw what he became. Could you kill him? Could you slay that beast?

End of flashback

Yuu: What is my choice? Kill him or safe him?

Tatsumi:Are you okay?

Yuu:Yeah, I'm fine.

Yuu tries to forget about it and goes back to the den.

Kota:Kenta, damn what happen? Is that hurt?

Kenta:A little but it's not too painful.

Tatsumi:Am I dreaming right now?


Brendan:You and Aki are holding hands with each other.

Kenta:So, what's the problem? She's my girlfriend after all.

Shun who was drinking spat his water after hearing that.

Kenta:How about you guys, Is there anything interesting happen?

Kota:Meh, we just resting.

Yuu:I will go back into my room.

Kenta thinks that there is something wrong with Yuu.

Kenta:I'm going to meet Yuu. Bye.

Karel:Yeah,see you later.

Yuu room

Kenta:Is anything happen?

Yuu:Kenta, Kenta, Lindow is closer than we thought. Aegis Island.

Kenta:Are you sure?

Yuu:Yes, I know that's aegis Island.

Kenta:Let's go.

Yuu:Kenta, how about Lindow?

Kenta:I'll safe him no matter what. I'm with you. Let's change Lindow to himself again.

Yuu:We do this together.

Next part:Determined at heart

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