The Training Begin

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Shindo take Kenta to one forest

Kenta:Good morning, old man Shindo.

Shindo:From now on call me Sensei.

Kenta:Alright, Sensei. What should I do now?

Shindo:I want you to stay at this forest for 7 days if you did it then I accept you as my apprentice.

Kenta:That's easy.

Shindo:Don't judge a book by it's cover Kenta. You may see this as an easy task but you doesn't even try it yet.

Kenta:Alright, I understand that Sensei.

Shindo:Good I'm gonna leave you here. Remember 7 days.

Shindo leave Kenta and Kenta stay at that forest.

Kenta:First, I need to make weapon before go hunting and find some food.

Kenta doesn't know that Shindo send something to see what he always do.

Kenta:Wood and rock. I guess I need to...

Suddenly Kenta hear something come to him near the bush.

Kenta:Come out now whoever you are.

He saw one monkey come out from that bush and it's the monkey who attack him earlier.

Dex:Uww.(That's the guy that I attack earlier.)

Kenta:You know how long I wait just to get revenge over you. Come here you little monkey.

Dex:Uww.(What am I do wrong to this human. I just protect that place)

Kenta catch him.

Kenta:You're not too fast don't you monkey. Anyway I'm just kidding I wouldn't hurt you I just want to survive from this forest for 7 days.

Dex:Uww.(I can help you.)

Kenta:I don't understand.

Omega:Kenta he say he want to to help you.

Kenta:You understand what it say.

Omega:I'm the awakening of course i understand every single living thing.

Kenta:Alright then Dex.

Dex:Uww.(Alright I thing I doesn't have any choice especially when that guy awakening understand what I said.)

6 days later

Kenta:I doesn't believe this we survive for 6 days just a few hours left before day 7 comes.

Omega:I doesn't believe you can survive without me.

Kenta:Is that what you worry about?


Dex:Uww.(That's stupid Omega.)

Omega:What did you even know about stupid. You're just useless monkey.

Kenta:I don't understand what this two monkeys talking.

Omega:Monkey! I'm one of the powerful creature that ever made and you call me monkey.


Omega:Just if I can punch you I will do it.

Kenta:You can enter my body and... Wait did you hear that.

Omega:Something wrong I can feel it.

Kenta:Woah, Omega what aragami is that and why did sensei never tell us about aragami this forest had.

Omega:What are you going to do?

Kenta:Fighting it.

Kenta slash that aragami easily.

Omega:Well, that's fast and smooth.

Kenta:Thank you.


Kenta:It say what?

Omega:It's say come here follow me.

Kenta follow Dex and they see way out from that foresta and realise the time is over.

Kenta:Mission complete. The time already finish and we're out from this forest. Thank god.

Kenta go back to Shindo house and see him.

Kenta:I did it.

Shindo smile and say back to him.

Shindo:Congratulations, you're now my apprentice and Dex thank you for looking him all this time.

Kenta:Wait, what?

Shindo:I send Dex to help you. What? You think I'm not worry if you die. Come on I'm rather being kill by that traitor than let you die.

Kenta:Thank you Sensei. I will train hard.

Shindo:Good for you. Now rest, tomorrow you're going to face something that you never seen before.

Next part:The Real training starts now

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