Chapter 2

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"Beca wake up c'mon" I woke up to my body being shaken by the one and only Stacie Conrad wow what a great way to start my day.

Groaning I turned around with my back facing her and pulling the blankets back over my head protecting me from the beaming rays of the sun that are seeming through the window blinds.

Suddenly, the blankets felt damp. me being curious I grabbed around outside of the blankets feeling as correct.. the blankets were wet what..?

I started to think of the possible plans stacie plotted until one thing shoved all those thoughts and presented itself. My eyes widen realizing I was too late.

"Oh crap" my clothing, the bed, the blankets, and my body became wet. Water splashed all over me causing me to remove the covers and bolt up off of the bed to be greeted with a laughing stacie.

"Ha.ha.ha. Very funny Conrad" I said annoyed, it's like prank wars all over again in the Bellas house but this time we're not Bellas but clueless single women who got heart broken..

"Good morning becs" waving back, I walked over to the bathroom door glancing behind me seeing the blankets and covers removed from the bed. Oh nice she cleaned up her own mess.

Of course me being unlucky turned around to be greeted with cold, damp, and wet blankets being tossed and landing over my head making me fall backwards onto the wooden polished floors of the motel.

"Really stacie, really?" Finally removing the heavy blankets over my head i rubbed my eyes and scanned stacie up and down. She was in a blue and gray sports bra and black leggings that made her long legs stand out.

"Whoa" I mumbled, astonished. I mean, Stacie always looks good in everything but her workout clothes make her body stand out more. And I really like how she has confidence in her body.

Im not pretty fit like stacie but I go here and there to the gym, watching the attractive women since Chloe basically cheated on me and I guess that meant I'm kinda single but still in a relationship.

I'm not really tall, Stacie being 5'8 kinda ruins my ego but I guess that's okay..?

"Eyes up here short stuff" snapping out of my gaze I realized my eyes were stuck on her cleavage I quickly apologized but was stopped by her telling me it was okay while pushing up her breasts

"You look gorgeous stace, I'm gonna go and get changed" I quickly stood back up complimenting her workout clothes and walking towards the closet where we unpacked our spare clothes that I surprisingly kept in my truck to last us awhile.

This included our workout clothes which we need since we go to the gym around 11-12 in the morning.

That's because we needed to get all ready for the Bella practice some of us despise but not really like stacie and me since it's like a walk in the park with all the cardio. But, we're not Apart of the Bellas anymore due to that incident yesterday.

"Becs you ready?" There was lightly knocking on the bathroom door where I stood looking at myself in the mirror, I look so drained.

We, yes we. We went through a breakup, a fight, and quit our second family. The Bellas. So I guess we'll have to get better and improve ourselves.

"Yeah, give me second" I replied without moving my eyes away from the mirror trying to sound convincing but that obviously didn't work.

The door creaked open but eventually fully opened revealing my worried bestfriend of 13 years. I glanced at her then back at the mirror looking at my condition I'm in.

I practically look like a ghost took over my whole body only leaving my soul. Soon I felt a soft hand land onto my shoulder.

"hey it's okay. we'll get better and they'll be crawling back to us regretting everything they did" I calmed down under stacie's presence. This girl can literally read me like a book, she's the definition of a best friend to kill for.

I quickly removed her hand off my shoulder turning around to face her shocked face to embrace her into a hug that she soon returned, I dug my face into her neck like she did while entering the motel.

I lost full control, tears that were threatening to spill eventually came like a waterfall. It never stopped, it couldn't stop I kept all my anger and sadness balled up until this very moment. "Why? Why would they do this to us" I questioned. no reply.

"I don't know why becs, but they lost really good people and.." I felt her pause until she eventually started to continue

"These goodies" she joked I knew she probably had a smirk while saying that. I cracked smile that soon faded away with horror, I jumped away from the hug realizing I was resting my head on her boobs

"I know the goodies are really comfortable" she said with a wink. Groaning I turned the water on, splashing some onto my face and grabbing my skin care products while someone came behind me and massaged my shoulders, gotta love good o'l Conrad.

Humming in approval I finished with my skin care and got changed into our workout clothes. I wore an all white shirt with a gray sports bra and to top it all off, gray sweats. Stacie just sat down onto our bed singing random songs until I got finished.

After fixing and topping off my outfit I went to gather all of our belongs until I was stopped by someone calling my name, turning around I see stacie pointing her finger towards me to her. Obeying, I walked over to her, she placed her two hands on shoulder scanning me head to toe.

"Who would've thought Barden's 'alt' girl would dress like this and slay a normal workout fit" she complimented. Blushing I shrugged off her hands and finished packing our belongs. Stacie stood up and grabbed a couple bags and exited the motel while I held the door open.

"I see chivalry isn't dead" chuckling, I grabbed the remaining bags, closing the door behind me before dropping one bag to grabs the keys and locking the door. "Keys bec!" Stacie yelled from the car. I just threw the keys over my head towards her direction ignoring the possible failure of my random throw.

I walked over to the lobby and got us checked out paying our fees, before I drove the two of us to the Bella's household to gather the rest of our things while we both have a conversation of what we're gonna do.

"I'm planning to move out and fly to LA to pursue my career as a music producer" I spoke, Stacie nodded in agreement

"Don't worry becs we will get there" I quickly pulled over to the side of the road in shock, I turned my head to face a grinning stacie Conrad

"We?" I questioned

"Yes we, look. I'm not going to throw away all of our accomplishments for no reason. C'mon! Remember our promises?" She reminded me

"Steca for life, love each other until the ends" we both said in sync. I lunged over and pulled stacie into a hug thanking her repeatedly. We both broke away from the hug and I finally fixed myself to keep driving to the Bella's house.

"First step to the next chapter of our lives" I high fived her in response. The next chapter of our lives.. I thought.


In super excited to write my ideas I have written down for this story, I hope y'all enjoyed the first chapter. Stick around to see what new things happen two this duo.

"With the taste of your lips I'm on a ride"

1319 words

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