Chapter 3

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"What happened?"

"Why isn't ginger talking?"

"You officially broke the aca-nazi"

"I secretly hide weapons under my bed"

Me and beca were bombarded with questions the moment we entered the Bella house once we opened those two doors everyone's head snapped towards the sound of footsteps like a predator waiting to pounce onto it's prey

It was like all the Bella's were waiting for the two brunettes to arrive back home. Me and beca just rolled our eyes ignoring all the lingering questions that were suddenly attacked upon them entering

"Midget and you! legs, can't just leave the house all of a sudden leaving us with a ginga who's face is gonna turn more red than her hair and Posen who looks like she's gonna dig a hole and spill all words starting with 'Aca'!" The blonde Aussie lectured while turning around gathering nods of agreement from the rest of the girls as for Lily.. No one knows honestly.

"Well, if you weren't informed then we should leave it up to those two for them to tell you their mistakes" the taller brunette spoke coldly.

The Bella's were all left confused after the leggy Bella spoke, moving out their way Beca and Stacie made their ways towards their rooms where both of their ex lovers would be located.

Beca just sighed glancing behind her where all the Bella's stood clueless.

Turning back around following the stacie they both made their ways up the stairs to soon separate to walk into two different hallways where 12 rooms where split apart in the white modern home of The Barden Bella's.

Stacie and Beca both turned around gifting each other small encouraging smiles hinting good luck before heading towards their shared rooms.

Beca quietly opens her and chloe's shared room making sure to quickly head towards their medium sized closet where the ex couple stored some extra storage or what Beca may be looking for, A suitcase.

The room slowly became silent filled with a certain redhead's sniffles who hadn't had the courage to speak or defend herself which, she didn't even have a reason to defend herself. Chloe cheated, why should she receive sympathy? She's the bad guy right?

The small Dj was soon to finish packing leaving Chloe wasting the time that the non existent time bomb had been set, not choosing to speak.

the brunette finally finished and zipped up her suitcase and tying the bag that held equipment and schoolwork. Beca just sighed and turned around meeting a red faced Chloe Beale

"You and Aubrey made this decision, good luck" with one final wave the smaller Bella exited the room with her belongings all packed up in her hands leaving a devastated and torn Redhead left behind a door speechless.


"Please, please, please Stacie I didn't know why I did it!" The blonde leader begged

"2 months! Two fucking months Aubrey! You cheated on me with Chloe, a fucking redhead who is dating Beca. Are you insane? And you think I'm going to forgive you?!"

"No! Me and Beca have been through this shit already, me and her parents and now you two?! What the actual hell Aubrey." Stacie and Beca became attached to the hip ever since Pre-K, the two would always visit each other leaving their Parents laughing at their funny park and adventures together.

It all started when Beca's mother left all of a sudden, she just walked out on Beca and her father who is currently working at Barden University as a professor. Beca just broke in the girl's arms sobbing and filling little stacie's purple sleeve stained with tears but that never bothered the taller girl

All Stacie cared about was making sure the smaller girl who came into her arms knew she was safe and Stacie wouldn't walk out on her like her mother had did.

Then, Stacie's Father had passed away following along was her brother, they both died in a car crash dropping off donations for the homeless

That day it was Stacie's turn to drench Beca's shirt. After those moments the girls always promised each other, communicated, traveled, and practically did everything together.

That's how Beca and Stacie are in the Barden Bellas... or at least were in the Barden Bellas, Stacie basically was drooling after Aubrey at the activity fair stand they were holding and well Beca was drawn into Chloe.

Stacie being Stacie obviously wanted to join, One. She loved singing and Beca did too but Beca didn't publicly like showing it and Two. She and Beca could get closer two the two females they just fell for at first sight like Cupid magically shot two arrows at the two bestfriends at the same time. What a coincidence..

"Wow, Beca this Beca that! You guys were probably in each other's pants while we were together" Aubrey scoffed receiving a deadly glare from the much taller Bella that yelled 'what did you just say, Bitch?'

"Oh okay! So you're just gonna change the subject like that, When YOU AND CHLOE have been cheating on us. Don't accuse us. also, you should take that stick up your ass out" The leggy brunette barked back furiously

Stacie had enough of this argument already, she wanted it to be over with. Her and Aubrey would always have arguments and would basically end up with them apologizing and making up with sex or just a heated makeout session but this.

This argument was ending with one goodbye and a door being slammed on a face, that was the last strike for the tall Bella.

Stacie just sighed releasing heat like a dragon that had fire coming out of her nose and ears, she walked behind Aubrey bumping her shoulder on purpose with the Blonde leader towards a small compartment where they had stored packing supplies and etc

She gathered all her belongings and stuffed her items in there, While Aubrey kept on apologizing profusely but Stacie never broke, she just ignored her until Aubrey started crying knowing that all she had said was useless to her defense.

She was about to lose it all there, a Two month mistake shooting her with consequences she had to deal with.

The tall brunette Bella soon finished packing all her jewelry and shoes, With one more glance at the broken down blonde who was clutching onto a blanket they both shared on their bed she exited the bedroom door and closed it releasing a breath she didn't know she was holding.

Stacie soon looked up and met dark blue eyes who looked back at her with sympathy, nodding they made their way downstairs ready to answer the still confused Bellas' questions that await them.


"I'm sitting here looking at Keisha like, 'do you love me, do you live me not?"..... damn you hit spot"

This chapter was fun, hope y'all enjoy. I'm kinda thinking of watching glee even though it's 'old' but I can't help but cry bc they butchered Just the way you are by Bruno Mars in one scene so now I'm kinda hesitant

Anyways have a great day, night, evening, or afternoon wherever you guys are from!

1998 words 📌

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⏰ Last updated: May 25, 2021 ⏰

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