Chapter 14 : War Breaks Out

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Liam and Fiona were brought into Logshire where Liam had a fiery talk with his father,and threatened to kill him,reminding him of his dark past and how he used to torture his family..
Craig goes wild after they left and he swears he is gonna make the whole group watch as Logshire kills them..
War is about to break loose!
Romario breaks out of the solitary prison and shoots Anna!
Liam denies his words and decapitates him..half of the group sides with him,but some of them are scared!
Find out what will happen next..

Liam : ...

Ezra : Why did you need to do that man??

Liam : He shot Anna..

Ezra : That was no excuse to kill him!

Ezra : Let alone decapitate him!

Liam : What the fuck should I have done then??

Liam : Get off my back for once!

Liam : *Leaves and slams the door behind him*

Fiona : ...

Fiona : (Liam..)

Aiden : He decapitated that dude like it was nothing..

Elijah : Give the man a break..

Aiden : What do you mean?

Elijah : He lost more than you think!

Elijah : Not only that,he is hunted by his psychotic father and wanted dead!

Elijah : Not to mention he might have to kill his own dad!

Ezra : ...

Elijah : Ezra should know that better than everybody..

Elijah : You're his best friend after all..

Ezra : (*Clinches his teeth*)

Ezra : (*Sad a bit*)

Ezra : (He's right..)

Elijah : Ava,Aiden,Timo and me set the place for defence..

Ava : Sure..

Aiden : Right behind ya..

Timothy : Coming..

Kaulifla : Alright..

*Elijah and the mentioned ones leave the room*

Corinne : Fiona!

Fiona : Yeah..?

Corinne : Let's do a perimeter check.

Fiona : That's a good idea..

Rebbie : I'll check on Jade!

Michael : I'll think of a strategy in case our defence falls.

Fiona : Good!

Fiona : Let's go..

Ezra : ...

Vanessa : Ezra,sit down for a sec..

Evelyn : You look tense dude!

Evelyn : Loose up a little..

Ezra : Elijah was right..

Vanessa : Huh?

Ezra : I am his best friend..and I just..I...

Ezra : I should've known better..

Vanessa : Let's go help them out..

Ezra : Yeah..

Ezra : Yeah,that might be a good idea..

Ezra : Let's go.

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