Chapter 20 : The Final Showdown!

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The leader of The Reapers is revealed as Michael Pope!
The one everyone didn't expect everything bad from is the head of the evil!
Michael Pope is after the Oil Fields and can even kill Liam,a "old time friend"!

Liam : Tch...fine Michael,you won.

Ezra : Liam no!

Kayla : Don't!

Fiona : How can you give up just like that?

Liam : Who said I will?

Michael : Huh?

Liam : Michael,there is an option 3!

Michael : Are you an idiot?

Michael : There is no other option!!

Michael : You are surrounded and I gave you the chance to leave alive!

Liam : Can you just shut up and let me tell you option 3?

Michael : Fine,let me hear option 3!

Liam : *Points the Revolver at a hole in the oil fields*

Liam : Or I can blow the oil fields up,and no one has it!

Liam : And oh,we both die!

Fiona : What??

Fiona : No!

Fiona : Just give him the damn land!

Liam : This can last us the whole can do!

Fiona : Liam!

Michael : Tch..fine!

Michael : What do you want?

Liam : Let them get away!

Liam : Fiona,grab the truck,take everyone and leave!

Fiona : No!

Fiona : I'm not leaving you behind,idiot!

Liam : Do it!

Fiona : ...

Michael : Hey hey hey!

Liam : *Points the gun at the oil fields again*

Liam : You shut up,bastard!

Michael : Tch..

Michael : Let them pass!

Liam : Take Timo too!

Ezra : This is insane!

Kayla : better get back,Liam!

Liam : Can't guarantee I will...but if I don't,take care of Fiona please...

Liam : (I couldn't be the big brother she wished for..)

Liam : (Fiona,I couldn't give you the life you wanted...the walks in the park,I couldn't play with you while you were little,I couldn't do any of that...I apologize...and I hope you will forgive me for that...)

Fiona : *Steps the acceleration on the truck*

Michael : Now you're alone,idiot!

Michael : What can you do?

Michael : You are 1 v 35!

Liam : Then I'm gonna take 35 other people down with me..

Liam : (Fiona,take care...)

Liam : (And Ashley,I'm sorry...)

Liam : *Shoots the revolver into the hole*

Michael : No!!

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