Chapter 18 : Group Reunion

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Ezra and Vanessa were caught in a trap by Mays,one of a group led by a man Pope,that are after the Oil Fields,freshly found by Liam and Fiona!
If they find out where the Oil Fields are,another war is gonna break loose!

Elijah : Stop here!

Michael : *Hits the break*

Michael : Shit..a tire is busted!

Ashley : What now?

Corinne : There is a huge mansion up ahead!

Ashley : You're right..

Ashley : Someone has to stay with little Charlie over here!

Corinne : Michael,rock papper scissors?

Michael : Tch..fine!

*Corinne wins*

Michael : Fuck!

Michael : Fine..I'll stay behind.

Corinne : *Smiles*

Corinne : Ash,Elijah,let's go!

Elijah : Right behind you,missy!

Ashley : Alright.

A few minutes later..

Ashley : Alright,so here is how we gonna do it,me and Corinne will take this floor,you Elijah will take the top one,okay?

Elijah : Got it,boss.

Corinne : Let's move!

Elijah : *Goes upstairs*

Corinne : So...what do you think?

Ashley : Huh?

Ashley : What about?

Corinne : The house!

Corinne : We can live here!

Ashley : What?

Corinne : Think about it!

Corinne : This house is insanely big!

Corinne : It can easily fit 70 people.

Ashley : I don't...

Corinne : What?

Ashley : Without Liam I don't want to stay here...

Corinne : Don't worry,Ashley..

Corinne : We'll find them!

Ashley : I sure hope so..


Evelyn : So what the fuck are we supposed to do?

Aiden : Find shelter...night is coming.

Ava : The north is busted..

Ava : Just an exploded town.

Jade : We go south...find a house or something,even an abandoned cabin is okay for the night.

Evelyn : Let's split up,we'll be quicker!

Jade : She's right.

Jade : Me and Evelyn will check this side,and you two check the other side,okay?

Ava : Alright.

Aiden : Uh..girls?

Evelyn : Yeah?

Jade : Wassup?

Aiden : I don't think we should be looking for shelter anymore.

Ava : Why?

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