Chapter 19 : Truth Revealed...

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Kaulifla and Timothy found the Oil Fields as well as Liam,Fiona,Ezra and Vanessa!
Meanwhile Elijah,Ashley and Corinne found Aiden,Evelyn,Ava and Jade!
As the group finds out more about the reapers,Michael is nowhere to be found as well as the bus!

Aiden : What do you mean?

Jade : I just found the kid,in his crib in the middle of the street!

Evelyn : What?

Ashley : Shit...

Corinne : Where do you think he went?

Jade : Maybe it was those guys..

Elijah : The reapers?

Jade : Huh?

Ava : What did you just say?

Elijah : I just heard that there is a group called The Reapers on those roads.

Aiden : Tell us more..

Elijah : There is said that they are a group that are hunting after the Oil Fields and are killing the people that are useless and don't own any information about their target..

Ava : ...

Aiden : That's sick...

Evelyn : Who would do that?

Elijah : Well...them.

Jade : But something isn't right..

Elijah : Huh?

Elijah : What do you mean?

Ashley : How do you know so much about it?

Elijah : Huh?

Corinne : She's right,you know too much about it..

Corinne : So,wassup?

Elijah : Well...I didn't tell you the whole story..

Elijah : I was one of them.

Corinne : What?

Ashley : I knew it!

Ava : H-How?

Evelyn : Tch...when?

Elijah : Before I met Ezra and the others..

Aiden : But wasn't Michael with you?

Elijah : Indeed he was..

Elijah : Michael escaped with me from them..

Elijah : In that night we snuck out of their camp and got away...but we didn't make it too far before they found us..

Aiden : Didn't they hurt you?

Elijah : They did...

Elijah : In a lot of bad ways...

Elijah : Almost tore one of my hands off..

Elijah : Hell...I don't know what they did to Michael..

Elijah : We split up after.

Ashley : Damn..

Ashley : Fuck!

Ashley : We have to find Liam and the others..

Corinne : Ashley wait!

Ashley : What?

Corinne : You're just gonna go out there without a plan or something?

Ashley : You bet yo ass I will!

Evelyn : I'll go with her.

Evelyn : You guys build that fence,alright?

Elijah : Girls wait!

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