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Devi always new she was special ever since she was 9 she always wanted to be those blonde skinny cheerleaders. Her sister Demie once told her "fuck thoses blondes be better" ever since then she learned all about makeup and how long she would pull up her skirt. She was in love with a boy Leo Halk well not love since she was 10 but you know what I mean until she realized he was a total dick. Devi wasnt like most girls she didnt give shit to what people said about her. If anyone slut shamed her or said something she had the best comebacks well for a 10 year old. Her mom wasn't the best but at least she cared. Even though Devi was practically raised by her older sister. Devi looked up to her older sister on how badass she was and how she could get with any guy she wanted.
Devi Will never forget 1973 when cops came into her house and took her mom and dad back to Mexico. Since Demie was 18 it was legal for her to become Devi's guardian and that's what she did. Demie and Devi remodeled the whole house to make it look more like you know them. When Devi finally reached high school she made sure to wear the best outfits with dramatic makeup and with her bitchy attitude.
    Hitting 15 felt like becoming a new person Devi finally became a cheerleader. The thing was she expected a girl just like her to be her best friend but she meet Salem Holland and they clicked even though they were the complete opposite they were like soul mates they did everything together got high together, fought people together she was her partner in crime. Everyone saw her life as perfect but everyone has their secrets.

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