Common you known you like good little girls.

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May 1st 1975 7:30
Salem and Devi walk Into their school they immediately hated it the first thing they saw was Leo making out with some random girl. Salem went into the bathroom, as usual, to skip class Devi on the other hand had other plans.
Devi looked around to make sure everyone was in class. She ran to the office and to Mr.Browns office. "Well hello there Devi please take a seat." he said smirking "so why do you need me here?" Devi asked "well you know because of your race there's a less chance of you..graduating" He got up from his seat closer to Devi "what are you saying.." Mr.Browns slowly got closer "you know you would do anything to make your mother proud."he said running his fingers through Devis curly brown hair "of course I want to" Devi said deep down she was sick to her stomach "well in that case"Mr.brown gets up and locks the door Devi felt scared and felt like if she screamed or called for help he would do something "you know you a very beautiful girl"Devi felt like she was going to throw up she wasn't ready. He was slowly about to unbuckle his belt until the knock at the door saved Devis life but little did she know what was coming up in a few hours.

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