Everyone Dies.

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The 3 of the students were freaking out Leo tried his best trying to comfort Devi but the be completely honest he was scared.They all heard a door open and slam shut they all paused until "miłość to rzecz, którą się cieszy, miłość jest czymś do świętowania, ale kochanie jej jest przerażające"Leo new what it was when Leo and Aden were 5 and 6 they would sing that at the time. Leo couldnt believe it he opened the door and came face to face with his own brother. Salem and Devi were terrified Leo went in front of Devi to protect her and said "why...you got everything why do this Aden" Aden smirked and said "no Leo no mom and dad loved you more they doubled your allowance more you got so much more girls....your the reason why moms dead so I'm going to do something I've always wanted to do my whole life"Aden lifted his gun up and pulled the trigger.Devi screams "NO!" She runs to Salem the "no no you can't die you're my best friend" Devi starts crying" But it was to late Salem was already dead.The Fbi burst in and grabbed aden Leo hugged Devi.No one forgot that day.

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