A week later.

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After a week of the trama, everyone went back to school. Devi didn't see anything as real she lost her only real friend. Leo changed after that day he became different he didn't want to be Mr.Heartbreaker he wanted love.
  Devi was in a 5-hour art she was trying to forget everything and focus on school but she couldn't.Mrs.Dyan walked over to Devi "Mr. Brown needs you" Devi felt sick to her stomach out of all people why him. Devi grabbed her backpack and walked to his office.
    "You wanted to see me.." Devi asked he had his usual pervy smile "yes why don't you sit down"Devi noticed his window blinds were shut they were never closed. "Listen I know it's been hard for you ever since what happened but..."Mr.Brown got up and walked towards her and close to her"I can help you"Devi get his breathe on her face she wanted to scream but just couldn't. "I think I should just get back to class it's getting-" Mr. Brown grabbed her waist "oh you aren't going anywhere" Mr.Brown smiled and pushed her to the desk. He started unbuckling his belt and buttoning his shirt. Devi was sobbing the door opened Devi turned around "Mr. Brown some kid threw up all over the hall"Leo said Mr.Brown was mad of course "okay..."He put on his seatbelt and left. "Are you okay?"Leo asked Devi "No...I don't want to be here"Devi cried out Leo hugged her "I have a place let's go"

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