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Bellatrix woke up to Hermione laying on her shoulder. She looked at the girl,  taking the sight in. Her chestnut hair was messy and hiding her face a bit. Bellatrix tucked the hair behind the girls ear and gave a light smile as she groaned and pressed herself close into Bellatrix. The dark witch carefully slid her arm out from under the girl and left the bed.

As she walked past the fireplace Chandra's owl greeted her with an odd strained sound. She looked at the owl and saw that it was swaying and its eyes were straining to focus.

"Well, I don't think you'll be going anywhere anytime soon, you can come with me."

She opened the cage and the owl carefully stepped onto her wrist. She rubbed the bird's head and quietly left the room, heading down to the study where Narcissa sat, reading the prophet and sipping a glass of wine.

She walked to the sofa and placed the bird beside her sister, who gave her a questioning glance.

"I think the bird hit its head a bit too hard."

"Uh...who's owl…"

"Hermione's cousin."

Narcissa looked at her with an amused look, a smile creeping across her face. Bellatrix looked back and forth between her and the dazed owl.

"What Cissy!? I made sure Potter dint know where she was."

"Oh its not the owl."

Bellatrix looked at her with wide eyes and raised brows as if to say 'then what the hell is it.'

"You said her name."

Bellatrix turned red in the face and opened her mouth to protest when her sister gently picked the owl up. She brought her hand to its head and it shook a bit before rubbing its head against her palm. She examined it before letting it rest in her lap.

"It may have a concussion. It's best if it rest for a few days. Who's owl is it?"

"Hermiones cousin's. She let her know where she would be this winter. The letter that the bird came here with was a bit funny… and insightful."

Narcisa looked at her, urging her to continue as she gently pet the bird.

" well I learned from Hermione that her cousin would love nothing more than to be within the deatheater's ranks. But…she has a condition. That her family be kept safe."

Narcissa nodded.

"You're thinking about it aren't you? She could protect her while you finish out your task."

"Yes, while she'll be fighting against us to protect her friends."

Narcissa watched as her sister's eyes went dark with thought. She smiled and Bellatrix spoke shortly.


"Bella, the fact that you're thinking of those possibilities means something….you like the girl."

Bellatrix groaned. She was right of course but the risk was too high in Bella's mind. She could see all of the bad outcomes, most ending in death. She sighed and looked at Narcissa.

"I offered to go with her to spend time with her cousin."


"This summer."

Narcissa looked down at the swaying bird then back to her sister with a slight smile.

"Well I suppose you will know if you need to recruit her cousin after what the Dark Lord has planned."

"I know, I warned her… I told her not to help potter...or to stay completely away from it."

"You didn't tell her what was going to happen did you?"


Bellatrix raked her hair back and groaned.

"I'm just hoping she's smart enough to sense a trap and stay where she is."

Narcissa smiled warmly at her sister. She hadn't seen her worried about someone for a long while. It made her happy.

"I'm proud of you, Bella."

She got up, placing the owl on the sofa. She hugged her sister who was still deep in thought. She smiled at her once more before leaving the room.

Bellatrix sat there lost in her own head. Was that really the first time she said her name? Was it wise to be this worried about the safety of the girl. They had just met, none of this was making sense. She sat there and stared into the orange glow of the fire when she heard a voice that made all the tension melt away.


"Good morning, pet.

"Are you okay?"

Bellatrix leant back on the sofa and looked at her with a smile.

"Yes, pet. How did you sleep?"

Hermione blushed as she thought of how well she slept in her arms. She thought of her warm body pressed against her back and the scent of smoke and cherry tinged firewhiskey.

"I slept well."

Bellatrix stood up and took her hand before bringing her lips to the girls ear.

"I hope you don't mind if we spend the rest of your break together, I'd like to get to know you a little better."

Hermione stood frozen as Bella's lips grazed her earlobe. She tightened her hand around bellas without noticing and Bella took it as an invitation. She pressed her lips on Hermione's neck, right under her jaw. As she pulled back a tingling feeling lingered that made the brunette blush.

Bellatrix smiled as she looked at the girl. She finally realized how cute the girl was. She let her eyes travel down the girls body, taking in the slender yet strong jawline, pink lips, and slender body. Bella grinned as the girl noticed and backed up a bit, her face going a deep shade of red.

She took Hermione's face in her hand, making the girl look at her. She pressed their lips together and pulled her close. Hermione returned the kiss, her hands grasping Bella's dress. As the kiss broke Hermione let out a small groan in protest, making Bella gri.

"Come, pet. We have a lot to talk about."

Bella took her hand and led her towards the garden. On the way out they passed a smiling Narcissa in the kitchen.

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