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Only two hours passed and Chandra woke to Draco slightly shaking her shoulder. Her eyes flickered open and she groaned before looking at him.

"What is it?"

Draco looked tired and scared and he was playing with his tie. He stammered over his words as he tried to get them out.

"D-do you think I could come with you all?"

Chandra perked up and looked at him, studding his face. He was pale and his hair clung to his face like he had been sweating. She quickly questioned him.

"What's going on?"

He looked around a bit before looking back to her and speaking in a hushed tone.

"My father went to Azkaban and the Dark Lord is not happy with my family. I know my mother is scared… that's why she's always here…"

He trailed off into useless mumbling and Chandra cut him off.

"Get to the point Draco."

He took a long breath and looked at her.

"I feel like he's going to try to punish the family. Just please let me go, please. I'll follow all your stupid muggle rules...please."

Chandra looked at him with a mix of shock and concern. She couldn't help but feel a little angry that he just gave her a guilt trip.

"Okay, Draco. I don't think it will stop anything from happening later...but it probably would make your mom feel better if you came with us. Don't fucking invite anyone else my car is filled up now."

He nodded and smiled lightly before leaving the room. Chandra sighed out of irritation and stretched a bit before letting her arms relax. As her arm made contact with something she jerked it away and looked down to find out what it was. She let out a long relieving breath when she saw Luna, still asleep. She had made herself comfortable and was now laid across the sofa with her head in Chandra's lap, her nose poking the Hufflepuffs stomach.

Chandra quickly calmed down after the light scare. She looked at the blonde, propping her head in her hand. As she watched the girl sleep, she could hear shuffling footsteps. Hermione soon stood in front of them, her hair wild and half awake. The brunette looked at the sleeping girl and then to her cousin.

"Do you want me to take her to her room?"

Chandra shifted her gaze to Hermione. She gave a light smile and softly shook her head, earning a shrug from Hermione. After a quick stretch and a half wave Hermione disappeared into the kitchen and before long Chandra could hear Hermione walk back upstairs. Chandra smiled and continued watching Luna.

A few hours later, Luna started to wake. The room was barely being lit by the dwindling fire and light rays of sunlight from the new morning. As she lifted herself up her eyes locked on Chandra, who gave a sideways grin. Luna sprang up to a sitting position and looked at her. 

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to fall asleep."

"I don't mind, Luna. I'm ready to finish the book whenever you want."

Luna smiled and yawned a bit. Chandra looked at her for a moment before speaking again.

"And if you can find anything else you want to read, I'd be interested."

Luna blushed as Chandra stood up, stretching, raising her arms above her head, leaning back slightly and standing on her toes. As she stopped she looked at the blonde. 

"You may want to gather your things if you're coming with me. I have to talk to Bellatrix about travel."

She left the girl in the living room and went to Bella's room, knocking shortly. To her surprise the door opened as soon as her knuckles left it. She was greeted by a very tired Belatrix who was staring at her with a tinge of annoyance in her expression. The dark witch growled out a question.

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