The Distribution of Report Cards

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TW : generally a heavy scene, mentions of suicide and abusive situations. proceed w caution!

SEPTEMBER 11, 2019

"You're going to be fine," Angelo said. Shade's hands were trembling. His leg kept jiggling up and down, up and down.

"Are you sure?" Shade whimpered. He could barely breathe. His chest was so tight. He's been like this the entire day. He's been dreading the report cards, dreading the Homeroom period scheduled for the end of the day. The announcement of the honor roll—

Angelo frowned. "I'm sure. You'll be okay."

"What if I'm ranked fifth," Shade babbled. "What if I'm not in the honor roll?"

"You are on the honor roll. Calm down."

Art was looking at Shade with furrowed eyebrows. And even though they haven't been speaking to each other, they still found it in them to say, "Do you want to go outside?"

Shade shook his head violently. "No. No. I'm good. I'm good."

"Are you sure? Kasi it looks like—"

And then Ms. Jean walked in, and Shade was not good. She was carrying stacks of envelopes filled with report cards and certificates.

Shade was about to faint.

"Shay," Art urged. "Tara. Let's go outside."

"We aren't allowed to do that," Shade reasoned. He could barely hear Angelito and Art over the sound of his own heartbeat. It felt like he was swimming. Drowning. Like his lungs were filled with lead. "That'll be considered cutting classes, which is a major offense. If Ms. Baston found out we did that, she's going to kick me out of the honor roll for sure, and she's not going to—"

"Shay," Art said gently, in a voice he hasn't heard directed to them in... weeks. A month. "Having long hair is considered a minor offense. And you've had a mullet the entire school year."

Shade blinked.

"Oh no," Angelito whispered. "Dude, masusuka na ba siya?" (("Dude, is he going to throw up?"))

Art fretted, "Shay, that's not what I meant. I just—"

"Holy shit, I forgot about that."

"But you don't have to worry!" Art put a hand to his shoulder, and it surprised him so much he almost jerked away. "I was just reminding you that Ms. Baston doesn't care about implementing some rules—"

Shade was on the verge of tears, first, because of his report cards. Second, because Art was looking at him kindly again, and that was a lot to take in, and he didn't realize how much he missed it until now—

"Holy shit, should I go to the barber?"


"I didn't want to cut my hair for a while—"

"I've noticed."

"—because you said that you liked my hair when it was long, but—"

Angelo stifled a laugh.

And at that exact moment, when Art's eyebrows shot up close to their hairline, Ms. Jean called for discipline and order and silence.

Shade's hands trembled. He glanced at Tobi, trying to see if he was just as affected. Just as nervous. But... as opposed to Shade's shaking and trembling, Tobi was relaxed and serene.

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