Chapter 3 - Madripoor

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The first stop the small group made was in yet another garage full of cars. The only difference was that these cars looked really expensive. Zemo walked casually over to one of the cars and pulled a duffle bag out of it. Maggie was confused as to why they were here but was too busy walking around the room in admiration. She didn't necessarily know much about cars, but some of them were nice to look at. Bucky had mentioned he was a Baron but never really believed it, but this definitely changed her opinion.

"We don't exactly have time for a wardrobe change right now," Maggie said, not really understanding why he had a bag full of clothes. Neither was she sure where he would change. Zemo started walking out of the room, ignoring Maggie's statement. He was either trying to escape them or headed to another room to change. Considering Bucky was "the leader" of the group, he probably was clever enough not to think about escaping.

After a little while of waiting, Zemo appeared out of the door again, wearing a very... good outfit. Maggie wouldn't ever admit it, but he did look okay. He wore a burgundy-colored turtleneck with a long leather jacket on top. His coat had some fur detailing, which looked very good in her opinion. He smiled at Maggie, hoping to win her over a bit so he could get some more information out of her. Much to his disapproval, she just scowled and walked away.

As much as she enjoyed checking him out with the new outfit, she would never let anyone notice it. And that meant when he showed her any affection, Maggie would put yet another wall up. That was just who she was, never show emotion, and if people were friendly, she would ignore them.

The only person she had ever actually opened up to was Karli, and here she was, probably getting shut out by her too. She hadn't contacted Karli for weeks now, and Karli didn't do anything to reach out either, so she most likely didn't care for her anymore.

She had met Karli in Madripoor. Karli was looking for the serum, and Maggie was trying to hide her identity since she knew too much about the serum, so of course, they would cross paths. They became friends, maybe more, but it was never really official. Maggie trusted Karli, so she helped her with the serum. But when they found it together, Karli shut her out and took off with the serum.

A while after that happened, they met again. Karli was her only friend, so she forgave her, hoping not to lose the only genuine relationship she had with someone. But it turned out Karli wanted her to join the group, the so-called "Flag smashers." She considered it for a while, debating with herself a lot if this was what she really wanted. She said no, knowing that she would most likely get a reputation for herself and start killing people again.

She trusted Bucky more to help her since he tried to be better himself. Karli was new in that world and didn't know how much regret it would create in the end. That was why she said yes to Buckys offer. Maggie wanted to get back out in the world, but not in the way Karli did. Karli believed she was doing good, helping the people get their homes back after Tony snapped. Karli's idea about saving the people in need was good since the government wouldn't do anything. That was one reason why Maggie debated if she should have said yes to the offer, but the way Karli wanted to help the world was wrong.

Zemo had mentioned something about a woman named Selby that he still had a line on. Zemo had tried to end the Winter soldier program before, so he didn't want to leave that work unfinished, which was probably the main reason he wanted to help.


After a little while of driving, they arrived at an airport, where Zemo led them to his "private jet." Maggie still had trouble believing this was actually his, but she didn't give it much thought since she had done much worse in the past. It wasn't until a butler stepped out of the jet that she reconsidered Zemos's wealth, yeah I mean he did have a lot of cars, but a jet (+butler) is a whole other level. The somewhat old butler and Zemo seemed to have a good relationship, so they must have known each other for a while.

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