Chapter 5 - Is This Goodbye?

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Everything was black. Maggie laid on the probably quite expensive but uncomfortable couch. She had no energy in her body while laying there and really didn't feel like opening her eyes, but her common sense told her she had to. She could hear sounds around the room, but that was not clear either.

This situation was common for the former super-soldier. At HYDRA, this injury would count as a 'mild concussion,' and considering the danger, she has dealt with over the years, that is a very accurate description.

She tried to open her eyes, which felt like it took hours, but she really had no sense of time at that exact moment. When she finally did open her eyes, everything was a bit blurry and bright, but once her eyes adjusted to the light, she was able to glance around the room. Her neck hurt like hell but had felt a lot worse in the past. She ignored the pain. Her hearing mustn't have worked that well when she heard someone because the place was empty.

Wanting to get off the couch, Maggie gathered energy to stand up. As the blood rushed to her head, she got a bit dizzy, but what was even worse was the stinging pain on her forehead. She hadn't felt it much, laying on the couch, but that definitely wasn't the case now.

Again, pushing through the pain, she searched the entire floor, finding it vacant. What she did find while looking around, was a fancy glass cabinet with, no doubt, expensive alcohol.

Now, anyone who knows anything about Super-soldiers would know they can't get drunk. But if they drink just enough of it, they can get tipsy. Maggie knew this for a fact because she couldn't count on two hands how many times she tried getting drunk and forgetting all of her troubles.

But right at that moment, tipsy sounded really nice.

She grabbed a few bottles of what she guessed was whiskey and vodka of some sort and started taking large gulps from the bottle, the strong liquor burning as it flows down her throat. It looked very fancy, and if she knew things about alcohol, she would probably say it was excellent quality, but right now, that didn't matter the slightest.

Maggie couldn't say how much time she had spent in the unknown apartment drinking, but the bottles were empty, and it was enough to leave her intoxicated enough to forget her pain. At some point, while drinking the bottle of whiskey, chattering and music started to be heard downstairs, and the only thing the super-soldier could think about was that she really could use a good party right now, so what else could she do other than joining the crowd downstairs.


Just as predicted, there was a massive party going on downstairs. Maggie quickly skimmed the room, hoping to spot any of her 'teammates' if they even wanted to see her.

She couldn't find Bucky or Sam anywhere in the room and suspected they had gone far off into a corner, wanting as much privacy as possible. Zemo, on the other hand, was much easier to spot. Dancing poorly in the large crowd. Suddenly, an idea popped into Maggie's head, a smirk growing on her face.

She made a beeline toward one of the somewhat attractive men in the room and dragged him with her. She found a strategically good place, making sure Zemo could spot them if he looked around.

Maggie started to dance with the stranger, being a lot more affectionate than she would normally be. Her brain was a little foggy from the strong alcohol, as well as the blood loss. At that moment, her brain didn't function properly, and that was perhaps how she got the idea.

Keeping Zemo in eyesight the whole time, waiting for him to spot her dancing with the stranger, took longer than expected. He isn't as aware of his surroundings as Bucky and she would be, so he first noticed the pair about 10 minutes into their dance.

Assassins (Zemo x Reader)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя