Sareiria's dare for the gentlemen, cheese, veteran, cap, stoner and player.

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Dare: Meet their corpse AU

Disclaimer, the backstories are inaccurate, the only things that were confirmed were the deaths by the time this was made


Player:  So, how did you die?

Corpse Player: I was shot by Mr Cheese..

Player: I would be surprised but, it's Mr Cheese, we never really gotten along

Also Player: So, what do you do most of the time.

Corpse Player: Well, I try to make sure  none of my alive friends get hurt, and if not that I'd just draw I guess or talk to everyone else.

Player: Oh, ok...

Corpse Player: So um, what do we talk about now?

Player: Idk...

Corpse Player: Do I leave?

Player: Still don't know...

Corpse Player: Umm, Ill go I guess.

Player: K, bye....


Corpse Veteran: So I was burned alive.

Veteran: That must suck, but how?

Corpse Veteran: Some guy named Sire Sirol tried to kill me, and suceeded.

Veteran: Oh..

Corpse Veteran: So how is it being alive?

Veteran: It's alright, life's still stable for me, what about you?

Corpse Veteran: Being dead isn't that bad tbh, I get to prank people and turn invisible.

Veteran: Anything else?

Corpse Veteran: I stalk Sire sometimes, idk why he killed me still though.

Veteran: Oh ok, wanna play fall guys?

Corpse Veteran: Sure.


The Gentleman: So let me get this straight, you were killed by an Murr3y, among us urban legend?

Corpse Gentleman: Yeah, don't act surprised, you did as well.

The Gentleman: Wdym?

Corpse Gentleman: No Visor.

The Gentleman: Oh, I suppose your right, how's your Mr Cheese?

Corpse Gentleman: Well he's uh... Different.

The Gentleman: As in?

Corpse Gentleman: Well, he's more violent..

The Gentleman: How can he be violent? My Mr Cheese in an angel!

Corpse Gentleman: He killed Player, Noob, Gnome and Engineer, then tried to kill Captain.

The Gentleman: Wha- No, he would never! Why would he do that in the first place?

Corpse Gentleman: He joined the imposters.

The Gentleman: ...Are you guys still together?

Corpse Gentleman: Yeah, I mean he still does care about me.

The Gentleman: He helped your killer.

Corpse Gentleman: He didn't want me to be killed-

The Gentleman: Does he still work for Murr3y?

Corpse Gentleman: Well, yes.

The Gentleman: If he loves you he wouldn't be working with him anymore! 

Corpse Gentleman: ...You- you just don't get him! He isn't your Mr Cheese after all.

The Gentleman: I may not know your Mr Cheese but I know a toxic relationship when I see one.


Mr Cheese: So how did you die?

Corpse Mr Cheese:  Mr Egg killed me with a chainsaw.

Mr Cheese: What? Why! It's not like we attempted to ruin everything he loved and cared about in life and turn it into a literal hell! We were best friends!

Corpse Mr Cheese: I know your being sarcastic, but it's not because we tried to ruin his life though, I was trying to kill Captain but Mr Egg was there.

Mr Cheese: Why Captain?

Corpse Mr Cheese: He's a foolish irresponsible captain, I would be a better fit, so if I wanted his power I would have to kill him.

Mr Cheese: Oh... Also, The Gentleman said you were working with Murr3y, why?

Corpse Mr Cheese: Same reason I tried to kill Captain, so I can have more power, Murr3y's cool but I wasn't expecting him to kill The Gentleman.

Mr Cheese: Why are you still working with him if he killed The Gentleman?

Corpse Cheese: I told you, power


Stoner: Why should I stop smoking?

Corpse Stoner: That's how I/we die dumb dumb.

Stoner: Oh


Captain: Well, I hope your Dum gets better.

Corpse Captain: I hope she does...

Captain: How did you get stuck in the game anyway?

Corpse Captain: A hacker named Sire sirol  trapped us in game, I'm not sure how he did but he's a good hacker! Gotta give credits for that.

Captain: Why isn't he in the Cheater's lobby?

Corpse Captain: Idk, me and Mr Egg tried contacting Clogsworth but he never responded to our calls, Mr Egg says Clogsworth is experianced with all sorts of hacks so he's bound to be able to help us out.

Captain: Well it must be nice to not be trapped in the game currently, how long have you guys stayed in their anyway?

Corpse Captain: For 13 months I think.

Captain: And Clogsworth never responded!?

Corpse Captain: Mhm, Mr Egg keeps on worrying that somthing bad happ-

(The Corpse au have left) 

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