Sareiria's dare for Gnome, The Gentleman, and Player

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Dare: Do the pregnant meme


(It all starts with The Gents and Mr Cheese minding his own buisness with Gnome running straight towards him)

The Gentleman: Hi Gnome-

Gnome: *Punches The Gentleman in the stomach*

The Gentleman: Ah fuc-

Gnome: You are, one of my very best friends, and I can not stand to see you like this any longer!

The Gentleman: What are you talking about?

Gnome: I'm talking about the baby growing inside your belly.

The Gentleman and Mr Cheese: ...

(Mr Cheese left the game)

The Gentleman: I'm not pregnant!

Gnome: Not after that punch your not! I've been taking motai lessons!

The Gentleman: I was never pregnant Gnome!

Gnome: Oh.... Um... Uh

Player: I'm sorry but why the f is everyone yelling over here?

Gnome: I found this positive pregnancy test-

Player: *Punches The Gentleman in the stomach as well*

The Gentleman: OH MOTHER FUC-

Player: Listen, we can't win with one of us having a fotus.

The Gentleman: I'm not pregnant!

Player: Oh, um then.. Who is?

Gnome: Idk

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