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*Time Jump...One...week...*

Beast's POV

Fat Man invited us to his manner again... Great... He said he had something for Duela, so I'm staying with her at all times! He's not touching my mate! Boy blunder forced us all to wear 'fancy' clothes. This shirt is itchy as hell! Logan's wearing a pink shirt and jean's, Tin Man can't do shit! Robin's wearing a red shirt and 'dinner' pants... All the girls are wearing dresses, but Duela's still getting ready with Star and Raven... 

It's been 2 hours!

Oh yeah! And Chrome Dome is back now... great another twat to deal with... WHAT THE F*CK ARE THEY DOING IN THERE!? All us guys have been waiting outside Raven's room for ages. The kids are becoming tiresome. Pretty sweet though. DJ and Ruby are wearing matching purple dresses and the boy's have these little shirts with ties on! Adorable!... I mean... They look nice?... Gr I spent way to much time with Logan this past week! He's been trying to calm me down with Duela... She's fine but I know somethings up... I can tell...

The door opened, we all grumbled. "Finally! What were you guys doing in th-" As soon as Duela walked out I shut my trap. She looked beautiful... A green lace dress that came up to her knees, with a purple leather belt around her small waist. I gotta say... Star is amazing when it comes to make up... Logan nudged me, breaking me from my trance. Duela giggled. God I love her... Oh that's why... I felt my face... CRAP! I'm drooling! Fuck my life! "See! Friend Beast likes the makeup Duela!" Star giggled, she was wearing a longer dress in pink. It had a sweet heart top and no straps... I mean... pft Star had a girly stupid dress... I don't know about dresses!... Don't tell Logan...

Duela shrugged. "You don't like the make up little clown?" Tin Man asked her. I was still speechless. Duela sighed. "I do... I just don't want to go..." I frowned. If she doesn't want to go, then I don't want to go. Grabbing her hand, I smiled warmly at her. "I'll stay here with you?" Boy blunder crossed his arms and grunted. "No! We all need to go! Now! I'm not going to be late because Duela's being hormonal!" Oh crap... Duela's grip on my hand tightened. She ground her teeth together... Here it comes... "HORMONAL!?" Yep! There it is! "WELL SORRY I DON'T WANT TO HAVE LUNCH WITH MY PARENTS MURDERERS AND THE PRICK WHO KNOCKED MY BOYFRIEND IN A COMA FOR A YEAR!" Ah.... I love it when she calls me her boyfriend... It makes me feel all moochie and shit... I love her so much... Robin piped up. "HE'S STILL MY DAD! AND WE'RE GOING! HE HAS A PRESENT FOR YOU! SO SHUT YOUR MOUTH FOR ONCE! YOU SPOILED PIECE OF CLOWN SCUM!" 

WHAT DID HE JUST CALL HER?! Duela started to tear up and hugged my arm. I growled at Robin... Everyone backed up... perfect. "Take that back... NOW!" I reaped, straight in his face. I hate being younger! I have to be shorter than all of them! Beside Duela of course...  Robin clenched his fists. "Just get to the T car! We'll discuss this later!" Duela sobbed into my arm... he made her cry... Let's see... how should I KILL him! Well... I can't do that so... plan B! I slammed my foot down as hard as possible on his. His face changed from strong leader, to baby faced pussy with in seconds! Duela snickered slightly. I held her close and left Robin and the others to themselves, taking Duela to the T Car.

"Thanks Beasty..." she pecked my cheek. My face was heating up... the f*ck is wrong with me!? She giggled, looking at me. I must be blushing. Gr! GOD DAMN HUMANS AND THEIR GOD DAMN BLUSHING! She so noticed it... "Awe... Is my Beasty all embarrassed?" she mocked me in a baby voice. I smirked with a huff. "Pft no! You just look pretty!" Pretty?! She looks like a f*cking super model!? Duela linked arms with me and rested her head on my shoulder and we walked to the garage. Bright red, I couldn't help but feel the need to kiss her right now... Why is so hot?! 

Approaching the stairs, I let Duela go down first and I followed swiftly behind her. Once Duela reached the bottom, she flipped the last on. The T car looked pretty good actually. Tin Man gave it a paint job while he gone. Rushing to Duela's side, I opened the door for her and bowed her in. She snickered and claimed into the car, I came in after her. 

We waited for the others, but still nothing. I grunted. "And Boy Blunder said he didn't want to be late!" Duela smiled and edged to get closer to me. Noticing, I think I became redder. If that's even possible. "We have some time to kill..." she whispered, face pulling in closer to mine. I grinned, "Then why waste it..." I whispered back, before smashing my lips on to hers. 



Robin sat on the sofa cursing, holding an ice pack to his foot. Ruby laughed at him. Raven smirked and knelled to Robins side, "Okay move the ice." he did as he was told and Raven began to heal his foot. "I hate that kid!" Robin spat. BB was rocking Tofu in his arms, "Just give him time man. Beast just needs to loosen up a bit, that's all!" Robin grumbled and cursed as he put his shoe back on. Holding DJ and Ruby, Star Fire approached the door way out of the common room. "I shall take the babies to the car!" Cyborg nodded and picked up Pure and Pup, helping Star take the kids. 

Cyborg and Star came down the stairs with the babies to see the T car locked and Duela and Beast playing back seat bingo! Cyborg practically screamed. He looked faint. "HEY! STOP NOT IN MY BABY!" But they continued anyway. Dashing over to the car with the kids in his arms, he screamed at them through the glass, but Beast simply stuck his middle finger up and kept kissing his girlfriend passionately. Star took the kids over and awed. "Oh! Is it not the cute friend Cyborg?!" Cyborg grunted and shook his head. "Not when it's in my baby!" 

Beast pinned Duela to the car seat, holding her hands up over her head. Duela smiled between kisses as she tried to break free of his hold. Cyborg continued to yell at them, but Beast had put the sound proof windows on. All they heard was murmurs. Duela pulled back off Beast, both panting, she grinned. "My turn!" Before Beast could react, Duela pulled him down the seats, flipping him over so she hand the upper hand. But of course, he still had hold of her wrists. Duela snickered at his flustered face.

About to blow a fuse, Cyborg handed Pure to Star and forced the door open. "BREAK IT UP!" He yelled at them. Duela flew off Beast, face as red as a firetruck. Beast had a stupid smirk on his face, along with all of Duela's red lipstick. Cyborg rolled his eyes... eye and handed Pup to Duela. "Hold this one!" Duela's face lite up as she began to play with the small green hairs on his head, making him purr. "Oh! He's so adorably!" Beast eyed the baby, watching it closely. Catching his death glare toward the baby, Duela snickered and pecked Beast's cheek, the kissed Pup on the forehead. Both of them purred en-sync, making her laugh hysterically. Star giggled and placed the girls in their seats and the put Pure in his. "Duela, I must Pup in his seat now!" Duela held him closer. "Awe... can't I just hold him?" Shaking her head, Star fire took Pup off her and put him in his car seat beside Pure. 

Once everyone was in the car and strapped in, Cyborg began to drive to the Wayne tower. Beast stared at the back of Robin's head and kicked the back of his seat. "Mature Beast... real mature..." Duela snickered and helped Beast attack the seat. 

Let's just say Robin's drive to the manner was a long one...




Me: I'm a lot happier now! Thank you all so much for your nice comments and stuff! And messages too! Kinda hyper thanks to Joshnickerson946! 

Wilfred: THANK YOOOOOOOOOOOOOU! And no... you will never have a tache as beautiful as moi!

Me: Lol! Kay so... em... Have nothing else to say but thank you all again! Reading that stuff made me cry harder which only made my mum think I'm even more of a weirdo but ce' la ve!

Wilfred: Is that even possible? Your already 100% weirdo!


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