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Walking down the hall, hand in hand, her grip tightened on his. Standing as close as possible to him, she was scared. Beast picked up on this quickly and stopped, bringing Duela to a halt. "Are you alright?" he asked, worried. Smiling at this over protective behaviour, she pecked his cheek lightly, sending a purr up his throat. "I'm just... a little on edge..." Beast's purring stiftened, he looked her deep in the eyes. "Why?" his voice cracking slightly as he spoke. Praying he was wrong. "I had a... creepy nightmare while I was out..." she teared up at the memory and shook it off. The bright smile returned to her pale face, "But I'm fine now really!" Beast wasn't a hundred percent sure if she was being honestest, but when he looked at her smile, he melted. "Okay..."

After Beast left her to get dressed in her room, Duela let out a relaxed sigh. The familiar surroundings of her bedroom, calmed her. Warmth hit her face as she stepped forward. Messy unmade bed, closed blinds and clothes everywhere, she had some work to do. Back to the bed, she allowed herself to fall backwards onto the soft covers bellow. However, when her head hit the pillow, it didn't seem right. The feeling of cold metal rubbed ageist the back of her head. As she rigged, it sounded like crumbling paper. Annoyed, Duela sat up, only to gasp and almost fall off the bed from shock.

The coin...

Tapped to the front of a note... that coin... The double headed coin. One side a normal head, the other, burnt and scratched from the fire. The last thing her parents every held. Dying in different nights and places, yet the same small piece of metal in their cold dead palms. Oil slick pupils threaten to start a waterfall of tears, but she held it down. Hand trembling as she reached for the note. Duela pulled the coin off the paper and scanned over the letter. It was written on an old, crumpled up piece of white paper, written in neat, italic red handwriting. Blood Red. The note was written in blood, but who's? The heavy smell of copper hit Duela's nose, she cringed. How Beast didn't pick up on this was her first thought. Until she began reading...

Dear Duela,

Your... dog boyfriend? It turns out I know it bit about him. Been watching that one for a bit. I found the coin on the floor! I told you to look after this bad boy! But, this time, take care of it. It's a very special as you know. Oh and Alex says hi! Don't worry, when I saw what he did to you, I made sure that after Mrs Logan shot him, he really did enter hell! Look after that coin Duela! Burn this note after reading it! No telling your... puppy or the titans. Make sure they don't see the coin or the ashes of this note, I wasn't meant to send it.

I love you, with all my heart!

Your dad! Harvey

She went pale, feeling sick. Duela didn't hesitate in getting rid of the letter. Running around her room, she couldn't find anything to light it. Instead, she ran into the bathroom and ripped it into tiny little pieces then flushed it down the toilet. Looking at the coin in her palm, a cold chill ran up her spine. Someone knocked on the door. Startled Duela shot round, "Hey, I can smell fear! Is everything okay in there?!" Beast's panicking voice asked. Duela was sweating through her nightie, yet she was freezing. Gulping she walked out of the bathroom. "Yeah..." her shaky voice spoke. "Sorry... Just thinking out that bad dream again..." she lied, faking a believable laugh at the end. She was use to doing that by now. Beast whimpered by the door, "That nightmare really freaked you out huh?" Duela rubbed her cold arm, feeling the goosebumps rise on her flesh. "Yeah..." she mumbled. The coin caught the light and shined, flashing, she frowned. "Do you want to talk about it?" he questioned, resting his head on the door. Quickly Duela dashed over to her draw and hid the coin in one of her socks, before opening the door to Beast. He'd gotten dressed now, in jogging bottoms and an old t shirt. She looked ill.

Whimpering at the sight of her, Beast sat her down on her bed. "You don't look too good..." placing his palm on her forehead, he pulled back instantly. "Your freezing!" Duela nodded solemnly, keeping her mouth shut. Beast sighed and pushed a wild strand of hair off her cheek. "Do you want me to get you anything? Medicine? Food?" Fiddling with her fingers, she shook her head. Beast didn't like how quiet she was being. He rubbed her leg, making her look up at him. "What happened?" he asked quietly. Duela teared up, then threw herself at him, gripping him in a tight hug. Shocked, Beast's eye's were wide. He hugged her back gently as she cried in to his neck. Breathing heavily, she snivelled. "I-i-I'm so...s-scared Beasty..." Beast whimpered and held her close. Burring his face into her hair. "Don't be... I'll protect you... no matter what!" Duela chocked up, calming down slightly. "Y-you were there... I was locked in an Akaram cell and you were the guard... You didn't l-love me... you wanted me d-d-...-" she broke down in a fit of sobs, Beast teared up and kissed her cheek. "I will always love you!" Duela drag her nails into his shirt, gripping the fabric. "I-I killed myself and you didn't do anything to s-stop me!" Beast whimpered and hugged her a tight as possible, with out crushing her of course. "Y-you know that's not true!" he pulled out of the hug and looked her in the eyes. "I love you more than life it's self! I'd die for you..." tears stained his cheek. "I'd kill for you... I'd do anything for you... Anything in the whole world!" Duela smiled at him and pulled him back into the hug, Beast stroked her hair. "I adore you Beasty..."

"I adore you too..."


Me: This got deleted twice! Very, very annoyed!

Wilfred: Now you have to spell check it!

Me: GRRRRRRRRR! I'm meant to be sleeping right now, but I feel like I owe you guys for not updating yesterday!

Wilfred: Yooooooooooooo! Owe them nothing!

Me: Well that's how I feel!

Wilfred: Seeeeeeeee! She's insane! Look what you did to her readers!

Me: Insane is such a ... strong word. I prefer abnormal!

Wilfred: See!

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