4. I Can't Believe This Just Happened

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"yeah" I chuckled

She was about to go out when she turned " will I see you again? " she asked me

"sure, I'll tell u a secret but don't tell anyone okay? " I giggled

"secrets are safe with me" she smiled .

"we're doing the music video behind the school" I whispered to her

"so I can go there and see you? " I swear she looked like a little girl asking for candy.

"sure, I'll see you there beautiful" I smiled

She blushed and hugged me once more then went out of the bathroom

She's cute, even tho scooter is going to kill me because I told a strange girl I only met once where we're shooting. But hey I told her not to tell anyone so she won't. She won't right?


~Acacia points of view~

I can't believe this just happened,should I tell lucy? No no I won't, she'll tell everyone. Imma keep it a secret. "Hey sexy lady" I heard some guy saying behind me I turned to see who is it, and I saw Jesse and I quickly pulled him into the class "hush! What are u doing here?" I yelled whispering.

"sorry baby, I just miss you" he kissed my lips, I pulled away "jesse! I told u before u can't come here"

"baby, I won't again.. But I just missed u a lot and I wanted to see u in any way" I smiled and kissed him and that kiss turned to making out. IN THE CLASS. But comon I missed him too so I guess I can kiss him here today.


~lucy points of view ~

I got my phone and went out when I saw Acacia and Jesse kissing.  I went in clearing my throat playfully "I'm here guys" I said laughing watching them pulling away quickly embarrassed.

"damn Lucy, can't you knock before u come in" jesse said glaring at me

"hello! There's a big window here, anyone can see u guys." I glanced to Acacia "Justin would see you making out in a classroom. That wouldn't be nice as the first impression.

I saw her flinch"um yeah, I'm leaving" what's wrong with her now.

"actually I was thinking about going out with you" Jesse said looking at Acacia.. "ya you guys go out, I'll just hang around with some friends" I said grabbing my bag

"okay take care " acacia said and left with jesse

I swear this girl is weird sometimes.

~Acacia point of view ~

"let's go baby " Jesse said holding my hand

" Jesse not here" I pulled my hand "I still don't get it why u don't want anyone to know about us" he opened the door for me" U know why jesse. " I get in watching while her turned to the driver side and got in."not that they'll tell ur parents. Ur friend with lucy, didn't cross ur mind that anyone would tell ur parents?"

Well since my parents had a big fight with jesse's parents, they asked me to stop talking to them and I promised them. But comon lucy and jesse have nothing to do with this.. And I really love jesse, I won't let this stop me from being with him. On the other hand if my parents found out that I'm a friend with lucy their react won't be the same if they found out that jesse is my boyfriend. So yeah I'm not planning on telling them now.

"Acacia, are even listening to me" he asked angrily.

~Justin point of view ~

While I'm working I saw Acacia going out with a guy, lookin like they're arguing about sth. I wonder who is he, not that I care but just a beautiful girl like her sure has a boyfriend but he seems a little bit older than her.

"maybe it's her brother" I heard male voice behind me, i didn't turn around already knowing it's Alfredo.

"what are u talking about? " I mumbled.

"oh nothing, just the way ur looking at them.. Idk" Alfredo smirked.

"shut up. I have jasmine, she's all i need, I just remembered something and it happened that my eyes were on them" speaking of her, I was thinking of going to her place today without telling her. It's been 2 weeks since the last time I saw her. So I told Alfredo I'll be right back.

I picked up my phone and text her

Hey babe what are doing today?

Jasmine: Hi justyyy my bestie is sleeping over in my place tonight, I'm so busy right now trying to set this place, let me talk to u later Okay? Love you

to Jasmine : okay, love you too

this couldn't be more perfect, now I'm sure that she's home and I can go anytime. But this is weird she never shut me down like this, even if she's busy, she always make time to me. Anyways I have to go work now to get my mind away from this.

~(Y/N) point of view ~

"it's not like that!! Jesse this is different! "I snapped

"How can this be dif-" his phone rang and he groaned. His face turned red when he saw who's calling.

"who is it? " I asked confused.

He looked at me "umm it's dad, I gotta take that" he got of the car quickly. Wth is wrong with him.

After 10 mins he got back in the car. "is everything alright?" I asked "yeah yeah, um baby we can't go out today.. My mom is sick and my dad at work, I have to be with her today.

"it's okay baby, I hope she'll get well soon." I smiled "let me drive you home".

I texted lucy: move ur ass to ur house, ur mom is sick.. Tell her I love her xoxoxo bye, oh I love u too ;)

After 5 mins she texted me

Lucy: mom?? But I'm at home right now and mom Is okay, we were dancing 10 mins ago, haha oh god u totally missed it lol

My eyes winded as I read the text, but if it wasn't his dad. Who called it. And even if it's his dad, why would he lie about his mom being sick! Ugh. Wth is wrong with me, maybe it's something private he didn't want me to know. Yeah. But he always tell me everything about his family, it's like my family too.

"baby? " his voice got me out of my thoughts

"Yes" I answered quickly.

"you're home" he smiled.

"Thanks, see u later " i got out of the car.

Without any word he drived away. I don't know why, I stopped a taxi and followed him

~Justin point of view~

After I was done I headed to my car to go to Jasmine's place


What do you guys think you'll find out about Jesse, and what will Justin see when he go to Jasmine's house? Comment please

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