7: Refil Prince Of The Danes

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His mother was the Princess Of The Danes and now his the Prince of The Danes. In many ways he is a lot like his mother the fourth child to be born, his hair is just as blonde as his mother almost white. The only way that many people know who his father is is from his eyes, he got the ocean blue eyes just as Bjorn had and just as Ragnar had.

Every time that Bjorn went away raiding Refil would always ask when he could come with him, it reminded Bjorn a lot of how he was as a child but every time that he looked at Refil all he saw was Torvi, his wife. But as much as Bjorn loves his children but he knowns that Refil will always be more like Torvi then him. Bjorn still remembers what Floki had said about him to his father,

'He has your eyes unfortunate, it means he will want to do better then you and you will hate him for it.' I've never forgotten that and out of all my children only three have my eyes Siggy, Refil and Ragnar the rest have their mother's eyes.

When Bjorn would leave Kattegat his son Refil is the eldest of his children their so he acts like the man of the house. When Torvi told Bjorn that he started to say more and more what his father used to say to him

"Keep your mother safe while I'm away, watch over your siblings and help your mother when she needs it." Refil would always say that he would do it but he wishes to be raid with his father but Bjorn would just say,

"Protect Kattegat for me then one day you will be ready to raid with your brothers, sister and I." Refil would watch over his mother, younger sister and brothers, help when he was needed all while knowing that his father was proud of him and helping him be a better man.

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