30: Not Today

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Today was never meant to come, I was never meant to marry for anything aside from love. The love story of my parents is one I look up to in every which way. Lagertha and Ragnar, the famous couple the Lagertha the Shield-maiden and Ragnar Lothbrok. Yet here I was on the eve of my late wife's grave getting ready to marry someone who isn't her, someone I have met once, someone who I had sex with when I was younger and she dropped off the face of this Earth. Someone who has done everything in her power to make sure I am out of her life. So today could not be further away if you ask me. But no it is happening and it is happening soon, like within the hour, I Bjorn Ironside am going to marry Princess Torvi of Denmark. And there is nothing I can do about it even if I wanted to. I am stuck, and there is no out.

I am stuck and she is still as beautiful as she was years ago. I am stuck and she is still my best friend's little sister. I am stuck and everything seems so right and so wrong all in one foul go. I am stuck but my mother has smiled for the first time since my father has disappeared. I am stuck but it is slowly started to not feel that way, the more I look at her, the more I feel something when I look at her. But nevertheless I am stuck and so is she.

"You are well, I see?" I said to Torvi once I was standing right in front of her, praying for this not to happen. Chanting over and over in my head, not today.

Not today is seemingly my new way of life. If I don't want it to happen I just tell myself over and over again, not today. It doesn't seem to work all that well but it is besides the point since there is no amount of praying for not today would make today go away, I have no choice in the matter. In just a few short moments I am going to be married again.

"Yes I am well, thank you for asking," and that was the last thing she uttered to me before we were married. A unit, a couple who would give Norway heirs to the throne. Lots of heirs to the throne.

And throughout the ceremony all I thought of was not today, over and over again. Praying to all of the Gods and Goddesses that I could somehow think of a way out. But no, not a single thing in which my brain could think of was helping me get out, nothing would let me see another day. Not today wasn't working, even more so now than before.

Not today, not today.

It didn't stop a single thing since it happened, no amount of praying worked. But he still felt throughout the whole day, not today...

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