52: Lagertha's Death And After

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Torvi's Point Of View
It was my mother-in-law who has died and it was not a natural death someone in Kattegat has murder her and I do feel a little guilty because she was only in Kattegat for me. Bjorn was not going to be happy with his mother's death, I'm not happy about it nor are my children Erik is not doing well, Guthrum is not talking, Siggy is wanting Bjorn, Hali is siting on the docks waiting for Bjorn, Asa is not leaving my side because she is afraid that she's lose me to and my little baby who has not seen this world yet when they  will be here they will have missed meeting their lovely Grandmother, Lagertha.

"You are planing her funeral while you are with child and looking after all of your children because Bjorn is away, with your father." Margrethe asked me as she sat with me on at the table while I was holding a cup of water and trying not to be sick.
"Yes I have to plan it though I do not wish to have Bjorn miss his mother's funeral but I can not help it if he does not return, my children need to be able to say goodbye, the people need to, the sons of Ragnar need to as does you and I, we all need it." I told Margrethe who nodded while the doors to the Great Hall where opening and the sons of Ragnar where walking in but not my husband, I was not sure that he was still alive because he was breaking my father out of someone's hold.
"Hello Margrethe, Torvi how's the planing coming along?" Freydis asked us as she joined my table, seeing as this was my Great Hall now because Lagertha is gone and Bjorn's has been King for about a year now and I have been Queen now for that long too.
"It's going, but at the same time I'm looking after my children who just want their father and mourning Lagertha, while dealing with all of the problems that the villagers are having along with sorting out some of the trading that is now happening with Kattegat." I told them only for my niece and nephew to walk over to me, Halfdan had two children with Astride and they are both gone so I look after them and Angrboda too.
"Where's uncle Bjorn?" Estrid asked me and I just looked down at her and knew that I was going to be sick again so I ran to the doors and stuck my head out, loosing all of the food that was in my stomach.
"What is wrong with Aunt Torvi?" Gorm asked and it was Margrethe who responded,
"She has a baby inside her and it's making her a little sick when she eats food, or smells something yuck." Thank the gods that Ubbe married someone that I love as did Ivar with Freydis though Hvitserk's wife Thora i do not know much about and no mater how much i try she turns me down so I've stopped trying.

"Queen Torvi the ship has finished being built, would you like to see it?" The slave girl, Ingrid asked me and I knew that I would have to go.
"Give me one second then I will be there I just have to put Asa in her coat." I told her and she nodded then I turned around in the Great Hall and walked towards Asa's room to find one of the coats that I made the other day seeing as Hali, Siggy, Guthrum and Erik all had their own coats on.
"Asa come here." I said from her bed once she was there I put on her knew coat because I knew that the old one was getting to small but I would just reuse it with my unborn child once they are here.
"Thanks mummy." She said and then I picked her up and walked out of the bedroom to have all eyes on me,
"My children are they still out near the docks waiting for Bjorn to be back?" I asked and Angrboda and Liv said that they would go and check for me.

The ship was like one of the ones that Floki used to build before he died, it was a sad day for my family that day because we lost Floki and Hegla in the same day, Angrboda is all that we have left of them both, other then the ships Floki made for Bjorn and the toys that his made for my children over the years. I walked all the way down the hill, till I was at the ship. I put one foot on the ice wanting to know if it will hold my weight once I knew that I would be fine I walked out and onto the ship, it will need many things including someone to sacrifice themselves to go on with Lagertha because she definitely does not need help though I wish to give her help and I cannot do that anymore so I must send someone with her.

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