Skull Island

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The red sky gave an even more eerie look to Skull Island, as they approached the dangerous land.

"I'm sure that the other Kong will be bad news. Or good news, who knows." Godzilla sighed, "Mothra's gotta be here. I heard the other Mothra set up a secondary base here."

A Skullcrawler, native to this inverted dimension, was watching them. This world's skullcrawlers were different than usual skullcrawlers.
They attacked Kaiju less, going for meals like smaller animals a bit larger than humans.

Godzilla then heard screaming.


All the watching skullcrawlers had began screaming and running.

"Wait! I'm not that Godzilla!" Godzilla put emphasis on the word "That".

One of the skullcrawlers began speaking.

"So. . . You're not that lunatic?" They asked, "Then who are you?"

Another Skullcrawler added "And why do you look like that Psycho named 'Godzilla'?"


"I am Godzilla, but from another world." Godzilla told them, "I know, it sounds complicated and hard to believe, but-"

"Parallel universes exists?" A Skullcrawler asked.

"Yes! They do!" Godzilla awnsered, "And I come from one. Why? Your world's insane queen and king took my true love."

"Makes sense." One of the skullcrawlers replied.

Another Skullcrawler mentioned "You guys look really tired. Mind stopping for a sec?"

Godzilla wasn't too sure.

Soon, sounds were heard. The skullcrawlers guided them to their home, where they'd be safe from Reverse Kong... For now.

"So, how'd you all get to this universe?" One Skullcrawler asked them.

Godzilla remembered how they got there.

"A lake portal."

All the skullcrawlers got curious.

"What color is the sky in your world?"asked a skullcrawler.

Angirus awnsered this question "Blue!"

Another Skullcrawler asked, "are your world's skullcrawlers organized?"

Godzilla awnsered "No, they're never organized-"

Suddenly, a slightly bigger Skullcrawler entered. However, it wasn't a usual big Skullcrawler. It was still kinda small.

A picture of mothra was on a wall, carved into rock.

"The humans made this, but now we use it. For our cause, an example of what she's done." They shouted,

The cave image shows Reverse Mothra destroying entire villages, and terrorizing everyone.

The Skullcrawler scratched Reverse Mothra's stone-carved face.

"REBEL AGAINST QUEEN MOTHRA!!!" All the skullcrawlers shouted.

Wow, these guys were like a gathering of Rebels.

"Am I late for the party?"

Reverse Kong was there.

"Kong! Good to see you!" The slightly larger skullcrawler exclaimed.

"W- what? I thought-" Rodan was confused.

"It was a cover up." Reverse Kong explained, "They couldn't trust you yet. Welcome to our Secret Rebellion."

"You may or not notice this little thing I have."
A stone with a symbol carved into it, is what he held.

All the skullcrawlers had one too. It was the symbol of their rebellion.

"They were having an imposter problem, some would sneak in and get info for Mothra. Eventually, I helped them create a way to stop it." Reverse Kong explained, "Imposters and spys don't have these."

Godzilla understood their little method. However, it wasn't the most effecient thing ever.

Well, guess that could stay here for a while, and get some info about Reverse Mothra.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19, 2021 ⏰

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