Chapter 4

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The news of events wasn't just being spread throughout the Britannian world, but the American world as well as other nations and their citizens were now becoming more aware of the situation and the existence of another world with a much more dark alternate history.

Most of the latest news caused the Japanese to go into an outrage at how the Japan on the other side was being treated by Britannian and wished to join in on the United States' efforts in driving off the Britannians. One of the many benefits that the Britannians did not have available to them.


A small fleet of the Japanese Navy was currently on course for the Hawaii Islands. More precisely the US naval base built around the rift that connected the two worlds together.

The fleet consisted of eight Maya class destroyers, two Izumo class helicopter destroyers, two Yamato class nuclear battleships, ten Mogami class missile frigates, and their first and only operational Shinano class aircraft carrier.

"Admiral, we're coming up on the American base, a few nautical mile out from our current position." The navigation officer onboard the Shinano spoke to the admiral in their native tongue.

The admiral looked through his binoculars in the distance and spotted the base with the rift they were going to pass through. "I see it. Recall all aircraft on patrol and prepare all hands to pass through the rift."

"Yes admiral!"

The American naval base was well guarded as a fleet of aerial battle carriers and naval vessels patrolled around it, keeping any unwanted guests away. Mostly countries like China, Russia, and Iran.

The fleet had arrived at the base as the rift towered over all their ships in the fleet. In the center of the base was a large open area with bridges connecting both sides, allowing for ship to pass through into the rift.

"Helm, take us in slow." The ships had to reorganize their positions they all went in one after another, emerging on the other end and soon joining the many individual American fleets.

After a short hop on a helicopter from the Shinano onto one of the base platforms, the Admiral met up with the American base commander as he gave more detail on the situation.

"Second Air Force Fleet is currently positioned above Shinjuku and is moving above Tokyo. Or the settlement the Britannian built over what ever's left of Tokyo. Ground forces are also pushing into the settlement and gaining a lot of ground rapidly and forcing the Britannians to retreat." The commander spoke in English as the Japanese admiral was looking over a few documents containing intel on enemy forces. "Where should my forces be deployed?"

"On that subject, we've been intercepting enemy communications. We've discovered that in replacement of Prince Clovis, who we've captured, as Viceroy of annexed Japan, or Area 11 as these Buddhist now call it, they're sending a member of the Royal Family." The commander handed down a picture of a woman with indigo eyes and fuchsia hair. "They call her Princess Cornelia li Britannia. She also goes by other names such as the Goddess of Victory or the Witch of Britannia."

"So once this princess arrives, you want my forces assault her location?" The Japanese admiral asked as he set down the image.

"That's part of the plan." The commander responded. "We don't have a fix on her location or time of arrival, but judging by her military leadership skills and accomplishments, she's gonna be a problem if we don't deal with her or her forces, she could become a major problem for us in the future. Which why we are going to assault her location once we find her. Your forces will be put on standby and be ready to assault with our forces as backup in case things go south."

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