The beginning

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3rd person P.O.V

Peter Parker. He is just your average teenager living his average life. Well as average as you can get after being bit by a radioactive spider on a trip to Ozcorp, as well as living with Tony freaking Stark.

Peter also has another secret, he is Spiderman.

When he was 13 he was bitten by a radioactive spider while at Ozcorp. A few weeks after he was bitten he realized some crazy changes to himself, for example the ability to crawl up walls.

At first Peter didnt make the best decisions with his powers. He would go out and participate in street fights at night and would lie about where he was going to his Aunt May and Uncle Ben.

One day Peter and his uncle got into an argument about where he goes at night and Peter decides to storm out. But Ben decided he would follow him and figure out where he goes every night.

Ben follows Peter into the ally where his fights happen and watches Peter fight. He watches Peter fight and win against 5 men who are all 3x as big as him. But soon the fights end and Ben gets spotted by Peter. Peter goes to confront Ben but someone else beats him to it.

The boss of the fights walk up to Ben and asks what hes doing. "Im here to get my nephew Peter" Ben replies. The boss replies to him by saying "no you are leaving now." "Not without Peter" "Don't make me tell you again old man" the boss says as he pulls out a pistol. "Im not looking for trouble sir, I just want my nephew, his aunt is worried sick about him." But before Ben could finish his sentence he gets shot.

As Peter is walking to Ben he hears the shot go off and runs to Ben in time to see him fall to the ground. "UNCLE BEN" Peter screams as he holds Ben in his arms well he bleeds out. "Uncle Ben im so sorry I never should have left this is all my fault" Peter says well crying. But Ben just reaches up and wipes Peters tears away and says with his last breath and very painfully "remember Peter, with great power comes great responsibility."

As Peter is sitting there crying holding his uncles body the police arrive. They take Peter to the station amd call May to inform her of what happened. They wait for a hour but she never arrives. So they go and check on her at her house and find her in a pool of blood and a knife in her hand.

3 years later

Peters P.O.V

Im swinging back to the orphanage from school when I hear a scream for help. So me, being the kind soul I am, decided to help. I swing in and see a man holding a girl at gun point demanding her money. So I web his gun and kick him against the wall, knocking him out. The girl thanks me and I swing away. I arrive at the orphanage 10 minutes later.

I land in an ally and take off my suit, if you can call it that. Its more like a hoodie and some sweats. Anyway I walk in amd say hi to Danny the receptionist. I start to walk to my room when Danny stops me. "Hey Pete wait a sec." So I reply with "what's up Danny?" "There was a family here earlier saying they where looking for you. But you will never guess who they where." "Who where they?" "Tony Stark and Pepper Pots" Danny says ecstatically. "What did Tony Stark and Pepper Pots want with me?" I ask. "They said they where looking for someone to hire as and intern for Mr. Stark and they found you amd where extremely impressed and searched for info on you. They must of found out you where an orphan and live here. But they came in asking to speak with you." "Are they still here" I ask. "Yes" is all he says.

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