Meeting The Kid

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Tony's P.O.V

I have been working in my lab for probably 6 hours now. Im working on some upgrades for my suit when Pepper walks in.

"Honey you remember what today is right?"

"Of course Pep. But just in case why dont you remind me?"

"Today's the day we are suppose to meet that kid for the internship. Remember we are going to the orphanage because he lives there."

"Right well are we leaving then?"

1 hour later

Tonys P.O.V

We finally arrived at the orphanage. Thank god. Well lets go find this kid.

As we enter we are greeted by some guy "Hello my names Danny, how may I help you" he asked. "Hello we are looking for a kid named Peter Parker, is he here" Pepper asks Dave or Dared or what ever his name was. "Hes not here at the moment but he should get here any moment now, his school let out a few minutes ago" he explains. "Ok cool thanks" Pepper says.

15 minutes later

Tony's P.O.V

"Hey Pete" we hear Danny say.

"The kids here Pep lets go out and say hi" I say to pepper. "Ok lets go."

We walk out of the office and see the kid standing there talking to Danny. "Hello Peter, my names Tony Stark and I wanted to talk to you."

Peter P.O.V

I look up when I hear someone say hello and see THE Tony Stark standing there, just looking at me. "H-hello, my names Peter but you knew that already because you said my name and now I am rambling in front of Tony Stark and Im going to shut up now" I say as I ramble on.

"Jeez dude does this kid every stop to breath well talking" Tony asks Danny. "Don't worry Mr. Stark, you'll get used to it, trust me. But once he gets to know you and starts to fell closer to you he will calm down a tad bit" Danny explains to Mr. Stark.

Now Mr. Stark turns to me and says "hello Peter, you already know who I am so lets talk about why I am here. As you may or may not know we are looking for a new intern to work extremely close to me as well as Pepper when needed. Well we were looking through school records we saw your name as well as your work and I must say I am really impressed, I mean you have straight As and you miss class quite a bit, which we will discuss later. But today I just have one task for you, solve this equation and if you do then congrats your hired. Now go work on the equation well we talk ok."

After that he hands me a paper with an equation on it that looked extremely easy, I leave and they start talking.

Tonys P.O.V

The kid left to work on the ridiculously hard equation that even Bruce and I couldn't solve alone and that left Pep and I to talk to Danny more about Peter.

"So Mr., im sorry what is your last name again" Pepper asks. "Oh its Davis." "So Mr. Davis, can you tell us what Peter is like. What does he enjoy, what are some of his traits, anything we should be worried for" Pepper asks. "Well Pete loves Star Wars and Star Trek, he loves to cuddle with people he trusts, and yes, his past is a touchy subject so dont really ask about it ok." "What happened to him in his past" I ask. "Well when he was 4 he was a sole survivor of a plane crash that killed both his parents. Then he went to his aunt and uncle, but sadly his uncle was killed in an ally and his aunt committed suicide shortly after. So we try to sty clear of it because he can get pretty emotional about it. Blames himself apparently and nothing we have said has helped" Danny explains.

Right after he says this Peter comes back. "Mr. Stark." "Yea Peter." "I solved the equation." After he said this I just sit there stunned. "Did I do something wrong Mr. Stark" he asks. "No bud you didnt do anything wrong it just took both Bruce and I an hour to solve that equation." "Wait you work with Dr. Banner. (Slowly and intensely breaths in) ohmygoshilovedr.bannersworkongammaradiationandihavereadeveryoneofhisbookslikeamilliontimes." I look over at Danny and he just looks tired. "Does he do this a lot" I ask. "Yes" is all he says. I turn to the kid. "Ok kid calm down.  Breath. Breath bud." After he calms down. "So, when we get back to the tower do you want to meet him" I ask. But as soon as I ask it I k ew I messed up. And it didnt hello that Danny says "aw you messed up bud." "Ohmygoshwouldiliketomeethimareyoukidingiwouldliketomeet him. Wait did you say when we get to the tower" he asks. "Well yea. No offense to your friend here but no employee of mine will be living in an orphanage" I explain.

"Uhm sorry to interrupt Mr. Stark but if he is going to live with you, one of you will need to adopt him or take legal custody of him, (I looked it up and part of this is true for people under 18), but taking g custody will be a massive hassle and take a lot of time. So I recommend that one of you just adopt him. Besides lord knows he needs some loving parents right now" Danny explains. "Uhm what" I say. "Tony its ok I can adopt him hun it'll be fine. We just cant let the press find out" Pepper says. "Ok. Ok lets do it. Can we see the papers then please?"

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