Welcome Home Peter Stark

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1 hour later

Peters P.O.V

Is this really happening. Did I really get adopted by the Tony Stark and the Pepper Potts. All these thoughts float around in my head as we pull up to Stark Towers.

"Hello. Earth to Peter. You there bud." I hear Mrs. Potts saying something and it snaps me out of my thoughts and I turn to look at her. "Oh sorry Mrs. Potts, I was just thinking about things." "Its ok Pete, you dont have to apologize. Also call me Pepper ok" she says. "Ok Pepper." "Now as I was saying we are here so hurry up grab your things so we can getup to the penthouse and get food" Pepper says as we start walking through the front door.

As we walk through people are greeting Pepper and Mr. Stark everywhere and giving me some weird looks. "Hello sir may I help you. Why are you following Mrs. Potts and Mr. Stark" some grumpy looking guy asks me. "Its ok Happy, hes with us" Mr. Stark says to the guy Happy. He dosnt look happy though. "Peter here is going to need full access pass. Hes my new personal intern and will be living here in the guest room upstairs" Pepper says. "Uhm ok sure thing Mrs. Potts. Coming right up." A few minutes later and Happy comes back holding a gold badge with white outline and my name, Peter Stark. "Here you go sir" Happy says. "Thanks Happy" I reply.

"Well since you have your badge now lets get going. I want to introduce you to the other interns that work here" Mr. Stark says. As he says this we walk over to a scanner. "Ok kid walk through and it will scan your badge. Without your badge you cant get in. Well for the normal people at least. But since your my personal intern as well Peppers son Friday will scan your heat signature and blood so she can recognize you without a badge" Mr. Stark says. Oh crap. It will scan my blood and see that I am Spiderman then Mr. Stark and Pepper wont want me anymore and send me back to the orphanage.

I walk through the scanner and I hear a voice. "Hello Mr. Stark, my name is Friday. Please stand still well I scan you." I stand still for a few seconds extremely stressed and nervous. "Scan complete. Saving data to data banks. Abnormally discovered in your blood. Data will be sent to Dr. Banner and he will study it for further results" the voice, Friday, says.

"Hey Pete whats wrong with you blood" Pepper asks. "Uhm, i-ill tell you upstairs" I reply. "Ok hun."

After we get upstairs

"So we will show you around first then we cam talk about the blood thing ok" Mr. Stark says. "Ok" I reply.

We walk through multiple rooms and I say hello to multiple people, some of which give me some weird stares. But soon we walk into a room and I see someone from school that I know and definitely dont have a crush on. "Hey Gwen." "Oh hey Pete. I didnt know you worked here" she replies. "Yea I just started today actually. Im Mr. Stark's personal intern." "That's great Pete. You deserve it, I mean I dont know anyone smarter them you." "Thanks Gwen, how have you been doing" I ask her. "Oh im good how about you" Gwen asks. "Oh today has been fantastic. Ok so Flash wasnt at school today so I could relax at school. Then as I walk home I see someone getting mugged so I help them by detracting the criminal to let her get away. Then I get to the orphanage and am told The Tony Stark wanted to talk to me." I say. I then turn to Pepper and whisper ask if I can tell Gwen about the adoption and she says yes. "Ok Gwen the best part of today though was when Pepper Potts freaking adopts me. Apparently im living here and to do that ome of them needed to be my legal guardian so Pepper just is like ok yea ill just adopt the kid" I whisper to Gwen. "Oh my gosh Peter that is so awesome" Gwen whisper shouts. "Come on Pete we need to get upstairs" My. Stark says. "Ok coming Mr. Stark. Bye Gwen see you at school."

We get back in the elevator and Pepper looks at me. "So who was that" she asks. "No one, just a friend." "Peter it seems like she might be more than just a friend. You like her dont you" she teases. "Uhm what Uhm what are you talking about" I sat well turn bright red. "Its ok bud. We all have crushes when we are young. Nothing to be embarrassed about. If you like her then just ask her out" Mr. Stark says. "Are you kidding. If I ask her out now after I just told her I am now a Stark she will think Im trying to get her because Im rich even though Im not" I tell Mr. Stark. "No she wont" he says.

Then Pepper interrupts. "Sorry to interrupt you guys but Peter. Tell us whats wrong with you blood. Remember Friday said something was wrong with it" she says. "Uhm nothing. What do you mean" I say trying to sound confused. "Dont lie. Now tell me whats in your blood now mr" Pepper says. "Fine, when I was 13 I was bitten by a radioactive spider and it changes my DNA, happy" I tell her. "So wait arw saying that your Spiderman" Mr. Stark asks. "Maybe I am maybe Im not" I reply. "Ok enough riddles are you or arw you not Spiderman, and if you lie your grounded" Mr. Stark says. "Fine yes Im Spiderman ok." "Oh my gosh, honey out of all the kids you had to chose why did you chose the one with the coolest secret ever" Mr. Stark says. "Dont know just lucky I guess" Pepper replies. "Wait you guys arent mad." "Why would we be mad. You dave people everyday. Im honestly proud that my newly acquired kid is a superhero already" Mr. Stark says. "Wait Tony what do you mean by already" Pepper asks. "Nothing just saying that its cool he is already a hero." "Ok well it sounded like you meant you were going to make him become a hero." "Why would I do that." "Because your you Tony. And you do crazy crap like that all the time."

Well Mr. Stark and Pepper were arguing I decided I would go look around the pent house. I found the kitchen, which was huge. It had 2 fridges, 4 stoves, 3 microwaves, like 60 cabinets and 3 sinks. Next was a guest room. It wasnt as big as the kitchen but still felt big. After that I found 2 more guest rooms and that was when Friday asked "Mr. Stark, would you like some help?" "Yes please Ms. Friday lady. Also you can just call me Peter" I reply. "Ok Peter, how may I help?" "Could you show me where my room is at please?" "Of course Peter. Follow the hall all the way down. Mr. Stark and Mrs. Potts room is on the left and your room is right across the hall." "Thanks fri" I say. "Your welcome Peter."

I follow Fridays instructions and arrive at my room. When I open the door I am greeted to this massive room. There is a living room downstairs with a massive TV and a big couch in the center. Next to the living room i a bookshelf full of movies and books, and when I take a closer look I see its full of Star wars and Star Trek movies and TV shows. Theresa a bathroom behind the couch with a huge walk in shower and a spa bath. Upstairs there is a triple king sized bed with a desk next to it and an amazing gaming computer set up on the desk. Across from the desk is a massive walk-in closet.

"You like your room Pete" I hear someone ask. I turn around and see Mr. Stark leaning against the door frame smiling at me. "Are you kidding. I love it. Its so much bigger then my old room and it has a couch and a tv and a huge bed. Thank you so much Mr. Stark." "No problem kid."

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