☆ Shadowed Horizon ☆

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Feyre, darling?

Yes, Rhysand?

Your sister has had another vision.

A small bolt of fear. I’m with Eblis, in Velaris.

Bring her too. We’re at the Estate.

Eblis was at her side, peering up at her face with a small inch of worry, but it was quickly wiped away as her own face cleared and she smiled down at her. Sometimes it was strange to look at the female, being a near identical twin to Rhysand as she was.

“Is something wrong?” she asked, dark hair a softly curled mop on her forehead. 

She shook her head. “Elain had a foretelling. We’re to go to the Estate,” Feyre replied. She proffered a hand to the female, and Eblis grabbed it with only a whisper of hesitation. She’d grown since the time she’d first arrived. And she supposed she had Azriel to thank for that.

They winnowed to the Estate. 

Feyre realized at the last moment that it was the first time Eblis had been to the beautiful manor on the Sidra, the river’s trickling sound a soft lull in the background of her mind. Elain’s beautiful flower garden decorated the front of the building, the carefully tilled area sweeping to the sides and out of sight. Begonias, tulips, and hydrangeas were bright splashes of color for the otherwise pale exterior of their home. Feyre felt a small inkling of pride for her design work before leading Rhysand’s sister inside.

Marble floors, decadent fur rugs, and paintings on every wall depicting her life, her family’s life, but also the works of other painters she’d helped in Velaris. Two wide staircases unfurled at the sides like wings, a glass-blown chandelier draping into the space in-between where the path led straight to the Sidra in their back courtyard. At the top of one of those beautiful staircases, Rhysand emerged, nothing but a dark lick of night amongst the bright interior. Eblis was still peering around in awe as she swept forward to her mate.

“Where is she?” she asked. Rhysand pressed a kiss to her forehead before beckoning to his sister.

“This way.” He led them down the halls where potted plants reached leafy hands towards the central line of rugs, hand-made sconces lining the walls with faelights. Behind them, Eblis paced forward and cleared her throat.

They turned to her as one. “I’m sorry,” she said, cheeks bright red, “I know this isn’t the most important thing at the moment, but could you...hide this?” She held the carefully wrapped gift forward, the one for Elain. Rhysand raised a dark brow but took it from her with a nod. He slipped it into the pocket between worlds—similar to winnowing—and Eblis sighed with relief.

Feyre grasped Rhysand’s hand, craving his warmth as they continued, footsteps echoing in the softly quiet house. Do you know what she saw?

No, he responded, in the crack of her mental barriers. She would not speak of it until we had gathered. She nodded, taking a deep breath. They entered a wide arch, stepping through to a study of sorts. Oak bookshelves rose around them from floor-to-ceiling, nearly every wall covered by them. The room was a lush darkness despite the windows facing towards the Sidra, everything in rich browns and greens and warm-colored lights. Where they stood was a small sitting area with oakmoss-colored upholstering, lichen green rugs covering the wooden floors. Within the seats, Elain, dressed in gardener’s clothes, Cassian, shirtless and gleaming with sweat from sparring, and Nesta, stiff as a board at his side, were already seated. How Nesta had arrived before them...she glanced at Cassian.

His wings rustled in the lowback chair, some purely male glint in his eyes as Nesta shifted in her seat once more. 

Feyre settled on one side of Elain, deciding not to pry into what she saw. It was their business, not hers. Rhysand and Eblis settled into seats opposite them, the latter fidgeting her hands restlessly. She patted Elain’s arm.

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