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Names: Ag'Drokis the Dragon Killer, Ag'Drokis the Demon

Age: Unknown 

Birthday: Unknown

Friends: None

Master: Abyssal Deathwalker

Dragons: None

Family: Blaze nation leader Inferno (brother)

Weapon of choice: Double sided flame scythe.

Appearance: Completely red eyes with black reptilian pupils, hair color unknown, skin color unknown, and black hooded robe with red outline.

Minecraft version of appearance:

Background: Ag'Drokis is a demon that was the youngest son of the Blaze nation leaders

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Background: Ag'Drokis is a demon that was the youngest son of the Blaze nation leaders. Ag'Drokis saw dragons as threats and vowed to make them extinct. He killed his parents and banished his brother and the soldiers loyal to his brother to another dimension. Ag'Drokis went after the Astromic Nightmare's first. Everyone thought that the Astromic Nightmare became extinct. There was a group of six that stopped Ag'Drokis once, but Ag'Drokis survived and returned years later. Ag'Drokis was furious and continued on with his plan only this time he was more viscous. When Afusions defeated Ag'Drokis everything that was evil about him disappeared yet he was still put in Helheim.

Powers: Unable to be killed by normal weapons, opening portals to other dimensions, able to control fire, and has an infinite lifespan.

Likes: Fire, ruling over others, and revenge.

Dislikes: Dragons and other people.

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