Todays not the day

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As it was almost the end of the first day at school I start to go to my locker before leaving school. Before I get to close my locker I see this mysterious shadow swoop up beside me. I noticed this person looked familiar, I realized it was that jerk I bumped into earlier. As I start to remember who it is I start to walk away. Then someone grabs my arm. It's him. The guy who makes my blood boil more then anyone I've ever known. Something about this guy makes me go crazy.

As he grabs my arm I feel a spark. He pulls me in close to him and whispers "watch where you're going next time cupcake" he says while grinding at me. "Who are you calling cupcake, asshole!" I retort back. His grin turns into a disappointed face. Almost as if he was expecting me to say something funny back. Who does this guy think he is?!

He turns around and starts to walk away until I yell at him. "What do you want from me?" I say. He slowly turns around with a small smile on his face. Oh god why did I say something I just want him to leave me alone. He starts or walk over to me and he says "I don't know why don't you tell me, Nealla"
I give him a confused look. How the hell does he know my name?!
Then he looks at me with a concerning look. " you don't remember me do you?" He says looking a little upset. "No I'm pretty sure I would remember and arrogant jerk like you" I say realizing that I'm mad now. "Well I guess I'll see you 'round" he says while walking away for the last time.

I'm finally home after I long day. I open the door to see my brother with one of his friends I  assume. My brother Ben always has friends over. Though I usually don't mind sometimes it gets annoying having all these strangers in my house. Although usually i don't know many of my brothers friends I know this one. I've had a tiny crush on him for as long as I can remember. His name was Liam Henderson. My brother and him are in grade 11 wile I'm in grade 9. It may sound stupid but Liam was always the nicest to me. I'm not sure why. Although me and my brother were pretty close I never really got to formally meet any of his friends. Liam was the only one I got to know. Liam and my brother have been friends since before I was born. He's basically like family to us.

"I am really tired from school so I think I'm going to have a nap" I tell my brother. "Oh and try to keep it down you guys always get so loud playing video games" I say while waiting for an answer from my brother. "Sorry about that Neals" Liam says "we'll try to be as quiet as possible" my brother says while focusing his attention back on the game. I go up to my room and plop down on my bed exhausted from school I drift off to sleep.

I wake up to someone shaking me. It's Liam. "Uhh... Liam why are you in my room and more importantly why are you waking me up?" "I'm sorry but we're really hungry so we're ordering food. Did you want anything?"
I pause for a second. Trying to think about what I want. "Well now I'm up all go to the store and buy some food" I say whole getting out of bed. "I'll come with you, I could use the fresh air" Liam says while exiting my room. I quickly change into something else besides my school uniform and head downstairs. "Me and Liam are going to the store to get some food, wanna come?" I ask my brother. "No thanks I'll stay back" he says while paying more attention to the tv then me.

Once we leave the house Liam starts talking. He starts talking about football because he's the quarterback of our high school team. Once he stops talking I decide to ask him something. "Liam can I ask you something"
"Sure Neals what's up?"
He says looking at me a little concerned. "Why are you always so nice to me?, I mean none of Ben's other friends haven't even said more then two sentences to me". He looks down at his shoes for a moment probably figuring out what to say to me. "Nealla I've always liked you, not just as Ben's sister but as more then that". I look straight into his eyes while he slowly moves his head to face me. "I like-like you Nealla". "Really? I thought i was just like a little sister to you?!" "I guess I used to feel like that but the past few years I've started to gain feelings for you Nealla". "But I don't understand , there's nothing about me to like" I say confused as to why he would like me. "Are you kidding me right now?! Of course there's things to like about you, you're funny, smart, gorgeous and don't even get me started on that totally amazing personality you have" he tells me while smiling. "Wow. My gosh I don't know what to say. I mean I-" before I finish what I'm saying Liam cuts me off and says "it's okay...I understand that you don't feel the same way but I just I should be honest with you" he says before we head back into the house.


I really hope you're enjoying this book. I know it's kinda weird leaving comments of how I could improve that would
mean so much :)

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