Catching up

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Me and Lucas have been catching up for hours now. We were laughing about anything and everything. I am so excited that I have my best friend back! I realized that it was 1 in the morning. "Oh shit! It's really late I should go home now" I say. Lucas looks at the time. "Oh wow time flys but so fast when I'm with you" he says smiling at me. "You can stay here tonight and I can drop you off at your house before school tomorrow" he says. "Okay that's a good idea because I'm too tired to go all the way home" I says sounding really tired. "Do you have any extra clothes I could wear, these clothes aren't very comfortable to sleep in" I say, hoping he'll give me something else to put on. "I'll go get you something else to wear" he says getting up and walking over to his dresser. He hands me one of his shirts and shorts. "You can go change in my bathroom" he says while pointing to it. As I walk over to the bathroom I admire his beautiful house. It was quite fabulous. As I put on his clothes I realized they were big on me. He's 6'2. While I'm 5'8. I could smell his Cologne from his shirt.

I come out of the bathroom to see Lucas shirtless with just shorts on. I look admiring his six-pack. Damn puberty hit him hard. Once I realized I was starring I looked back up at his face. He had a smile oh his face. "You done at starring?" He says laughing. Me cheeks turn red. "I-I wasn't s-starring" I say getting worried. He looks at me and laughs. "Oh umm Lucas where will I be sleeping?" I say because I was starting to get really tired. "You can sleep here with me" he says while patting his bed. I watch as he gets into bed. Then I do the same. The bed isn't very big so I can feel his body heat on me. I missed him. Was it because he was my best friend or was it something more?. Soon enough I clear my head. "Good night Nealla" he says while turning over to face me. I smile. "Good night Lucas" I say while closing my eyes.


Before I knew it, it was the next morning. That's the best sleep I've had in a long time. Lucas just always make me feel comfortable. I open my eyes to notice Lucas was starring at me. I giggle a little then he joins in. I can't believe I have my best friend back. "Good morning Neals, did you sleep well?" He says. "That's actually the best sleep I've had in weeks" I say with a smile on my face. "Your bed is so comfortable while mine is like a rock" I say while laughing a little. He starts to get out of bed. He still doesn't have a shirt on. I stare at him again. I can't help it. He's so handsome. I was lost in thought until he starts talking to me. "Nealla? Earth to Nealla. Are you okay?" He says with a concerned face. "Oh yeah I'm fine I was just lost in thought. But I better get dressed for school. It's going to start soon" I say getting up. "I'll drive you home so you can change clothes" he says while heading downstairs. I walk down with my clothes from yesterday in my hands, still wearing the clothes he gave me last night. we leave the house and get into his car.


Soon enough we're at my house. I unlocked to door to see Liam and my brother. The both look at me concerned and confused. "Nealla! Where were you I thought you might have gotten killed or something!" Ben says while running over to me. He squished me with his hug so I squish him back. "I'm so sorry I guess I forgot to text you that I would be staying with a friend" I say looking towards Lucas. Ben looks mad that I was with a boy. Before I could tell him who he was he started yelling. "What the hell nealla! You were with some guy all yesterday! Tell me you didn't sleep together" he says looking more mad then I've ever seen him. "Ben, I'm in grade 9 I would never do that especially with my best friend. Ben you remember Lucas right? My best friend from when we used to live back in pay valley?" I say putting a shocked face on my brother. "Holy crap how could I not recognize you! Dude how's it been?" He says while walking over to Lucas and doing the weird guy handshake. "It's been pretty good. Although I do miss home I am happy to be here with my best friend" he says while putting his arm on my shoulder. We both look at each other and smile. "Oh crap I need to go change I'll be back in a minute" I say before running upstairs to change. I come back 5 minutes later to see Ben and Liam have left. Lucas and I were the only ones home and he was waiting for me in the kitchen. I come down the stairs after just brushing out my beautiful red hair. I find Lucas making toast. He gives me some toast and says "alright we can eat this in the car because we're going to be late if we don't leave now" he says while opening the door for me. I step outside the house with Lucas right behind. He unlocks the car and we both get in. Lucas could drive because he was two years older than me. I honestly never payed attention to that type of thing. He was my best friend and that was all that mattered. Before I know it we've already pulled up to school. Ahh great I bet people will be asking why the extremely hot new guy is hanging out with me. Although I'm not a nerd I'm also not super popular. Great! I'm in for a long day.

I hope you're enjoying!

आप प्रकाशित भागों के अंत तक पहुँच चुके हैं।

⏰ पिछला अद्यतन: Feb 22, 2022 ⏰

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