Chapter 6: Mia

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It's been about two months since Scarlette moved away. Scarlette has visted once in the time but it was the best week or so of my life. We planned for Scarlette to come visit again next week. Since I can't go up to her anytime soon because of my stupid fucking job. I woke up to no notifications on my phone this morning. Weird. There was usually at least a goodmorning text from Scarlette. I let the thought slip out of my mind. She probably just slept in right? I got up out of bed and grabbed a random shirt from my closet. I put the shirt on and walked into the kitchen. To my surprise I opened the fridge and found it not empty. I grabbed a glass and a bowl from the cabinet. I poured the rest of Lucky charms and milk that I had. I grabbed my bowl and walked to the living room. I sat on the couch and turned on the T.V. and clicked to youtube. I went to Harlow's channel. I scrolled through her page for a little before just clicking on a texting prank of hers. It was one of my all-time favorite videos. It totally had nothing to do with the fact that I back-fired her prank. It was basically just Harlow saying we shouldn't be friends and I agreed with her which freaked her out. After I finished the video, I saw there was still no text message from Scar.

Something is wrong. The voice in the back of my head said. That's not possible, she's fine. Everything is fine. We are fine. Right?  Nothing is wrong, everything is fine.

I decided to text Scarlette first.....

hey scar good morning! I cant
wait to see you soon

Hello Mia. I will not be able to
attend, I have to stay with my lovely
parents until I get my own car. Have
a nice day!

What the fuck did I just read? There was no way that Scarlette wrote that. Now I knew something was wrong. I started to stress out about, well everything. And right at that moment the door opened.

"What's up Amigo?", Brady said, practically yelling
"Over here.", I said getting up from the couch.
"Why the fuck do you look like that?", Brady said, hugging me slightly
"I think something is wrong with Scarlette.", I said wiping my face softly
"Nothing is wrong with her.", Brady said laughing
"Look at this.", I said handing my phone to Brady
"Mom mode if I've ever seen it.", Brady mumbled
"What?", I asked staring into Brady's eyes blankly
"A mom wrote this, for sure.", Brady said handing me my phone back

That made me feel a little bit better for some reason. The fact that Scarlette didn't even have her phone, made me feel better. I let out a sigh of relief.

"You're really stressed about all this?". Brady said laughing
"Yeah. I guess so.", I said laughing along
"I can take you there you know.", Brady said under his breath
"What?", I said almost yelling
"I have family in Florida, and I could use a vacation.", Brady said calmly
"Please, Please, Please take me.", I said using puppy dog eyes
"I already told you I would take you. It's about a 37 hour drive to Tampa without stopping. When do you want to leave?"
"Oh, um, I don't know. When are you free, I can see if I can take off work I guess.", I said shrugging
"Thursday? It's July 4th on Sunday so you'll have work off already."
"Okay, can Harlow come?", I ask
"Don't care as long as your not late. I've gotta go though so I'll see you on Thursday.", Brady said standing up from the couch.

I got up and hugged Brady and walked with him towards the door. I mumbled a "thank you" to him as he walked outside just simply smiling.

Here I come Florida, rather your ready or not.

A/N: Sorry I've been inactive had some school tests to do this week, school's almost over tho so I'm gonna update a lot more hopefully :)  - XOXO Kaity

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